< chapter 9 >

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Delmas's entire farming community sat in awe when Hazel and Mario walked into the church and took their seats on the groom's side. It must be the dress. Or maybe the fact that Mario finally arrived in his home town with a girl by his side.

Hazel's gaze slid over the arrangements and white cardboard pigeons taped to the sides of the pews. It's a dead-ordinary farmer's wedding. No funny ideas just a plain, beautiful wedding.

She let out a sigh of relief. At least it's great to just sit and watch and not be part of the bride's entourage. She may feel a little strange in her new dress and her eyes may scratch from the contact lenses, but she prefers that to a bridesmaid dress any day.

The groom is massive and solidly built, as befits a genuine te Boerseun. Hazel can hardly believe that he and Mario are related, let alone brothers. They are vastly different from each other

Her gaze moved further to the right and when she saw the groomsman next to him, her innermost heart fluttered. No. It can not be. It's the silly contact lenses that are deceiving her.

She focuses as hard as she can to analyze the man's face down to the finest detail and tries to force herself  to believe the opposite. But it is true. It's none other than Axel West.

She took a sharp breath and "What is it Hazel? Are you okay?"  Mario looks at her in surprise.

"The groomsman," she says anxiously, pointing with her eyes at Axel.

"They usually appear at weddings, yes. What is going on with you? It looks like you saw a ghost"

"That's him. Axel West"

"The groosman?"

"The one and only!" Hazel almost exclaimed out loud. Someone coughed loudly behind them and she lowered her head to stop herself from giggling. However, Mario flies around like a supreme diva and glares viciously at the poor person who dared to admonish them.

"Do you want to sit here and tell me that my brother Noah's friend from first grade, and your Axel are the same guy?" he whispered as he turned back to her again.

"It would appear so, yes."

The pew starts to shake and Hazel gets annoyed with Mario who shamelessly sits and laughs at her.

"Stop laughing, man," she rasped. "The whole row is shaking."

"Fuck, something is going to happen today I can just feel it!" he purrs. "This is the only time in my entire life that I don't mind being a fly on the wall instead of the queen bee."

She punched him hard in the ribs and heard him hiccup. Then the organist started playing the wedding march and everyone stood up around to welcome bride.

Veronica is a petite person and looks even smaller next to her father's large body. The bunch of sunflowers she holds in front of her hides almost her entire dress. She looked slightly startled, her eyes wide under the veil. Hazel does her best to just look at the bride, but her gaze keeps returning to the groomsman. His dark suit sits perfectly, a yellow rose nestled snugly in his lapel. He must have spent time by the pool or on a sunbed recently because his face is caramel brown. The strong white teeth are coming almost as a shock when he smiled broadly at the groom.

Lilan must be bursting with pride to know that this image of a man belongs to her. She forces her eyes away from Axel and looks around among the guests  trying to find Lilan. She's probably wearing an outfit again that's going to wow everyone, so it shouldn't be too hard to track her down. After looking at each row of pews over and over again, Hazel gives up. There is no sign of Lilan.

Then her attention naturally returned to Axel and finally he noticed her. However, he looks confused and just blinks.

Axel doesn't recognize her! Hazel is disappointed and is also close to tears. Then she hadn't made as big an impression on him as she had hoped. Out of sight, out of heart. He completely forgot about her.

A naughty little devil came and sat on her shoulder and whispered inappropriate things in her ear. Axel may have forgotten her, but she certainly hasn't forgotten him.

She can hardly wait for the ceremony to be over so she can "accidentally" run into him at the reception. And he hopes from the bottom of his heart that Lilan is here somewhere among the people so that she can also see that Hazel Smith is not just a little librarian. She is a sensual, desirable woman. One who doesn't have to back down for anything and anyone. And after this there will be no chance of Axel West forgetting her ever again.

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