<chapter 4>

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"And? How was the honeymoon?"

Hazel looks down at her friend's long tanned legs and wants to get sick with jealousy.

"Oh, my goodness!" Louise laughed

"Mauritius is an absolute paradise. Palm trees, sand, sea... And I'm so spoiled you won't believe it"

"Wow you are lucky. But wouldn't you have gone and driven the Route 66? I then thought it was Shawn's big dream"

"Young, Hazel I have a fantastic husband. Route 66 is only for the day we celebrate our silver wedding anniversary. Shawn wanted to keep my dream of an island vacation alive. He says a woman should have all the luxuries she can think of on her honeymoon. Do no work, endure no discomfort. There is plenty of time in married life for that. Where else does one find such a man, I ask you?

"Yes, where indeed?" Hazel agreed. "Speaking of men Axel West"

"Hmmm yes. Dream of a man. What do you think of him?" Louise said exicted.

"I dare ask the questions," Hazel remarked angrily

"What do you think of him, Hazel?"

"He's probably okay."

"Just okay?"

"Okay then. More than okay," Hazel said victoriously

What's the use of trying to hide your heart from your friend? They do find out the truth at some point.

Louise got a knowing look on her face and watched Hazel inquisitively.

"I kind of thought you'd like him," she grinned.

"And you two almost didn't even meet. If only it hadn't been for that neighbors cat."

"Hey, no!"Hazel exclaimed.

"Poor Derek. I'm sure Shawn would have much rather had his little brother at the wedding than the West muscle palace."

"Oh, well, things happen for a reason," Louise replied nonchalantly,

"I dont know why Derek had to go stand and climb the tree again... Nevertheless. Do you think you'll want to see Axel again?"

What a stupid question. Of course! screamed the little voice inside her, but she wouldn't just admit it out loud.

"Don't be a fool, Louise. A man like that would never be interested in someone like me on this earth."

"And what's wrong with you, if I may ask?" her friend wants to know.

"The last time I looked, there were two arms, two legs, a lovely lock of hair, the most beautiful blue eyes and a wide smile that can melt any heart."

"Eyes that hide behind glasses three quarters of the time, yes. With a wiggly nose in between and a mouth at the bottom that looks like a coat hanger. You must be playing. Besides, men like Axel West aren't interested in librarians. Whether he's a bean counter or not."

"You shouldn't look down on him, Hazel. Axel is much more than just a handsome face. He's intelligent, well-read and has a very pleasant personality. You should get to know him better. Really. Do you want me to arrange it for you?"

"Over my dead body, Louise! The man will think I'm running after him like a puppy in love. It will be the absolute height of desperation. If he stakes the day in my interest, he himself can attempt to contact me. And it won't happen, I'll bet."

"Aw, Hazel. You're just a hard ass. And you're giving up before the game even starts, man. You know it's not the Victorian era anymore. Girls these days show when they're interested and don't shy away not to take the first step. And there's never been anything wrong with a little healthy flirting. As long as it's not with married or engaged men, that's all. It's the 21st century, man. come on"

Hazel rubbed her forehead and set the teacup down in the saucer with a loud thud. Then she reached out to take another macaroon. The hard cap crackled under her teeth as she bit into it and the raspberry filling made music in her mouth.

"Hm, that's delicious, Louise. Did you bake it yourself?"

"No, bought it myself. Don't change the subject now, Hazel, Do you want me to set you up on a date with Axel West or not?"

"If fate decides that we have to see each other again, it will happen. Okay? I'm perfectly prepared to wait patiently for Mr. Right."

"And how do you know, Axel might be Mr. Right, hmm? He's definitely Mr. Perfect. All that's girly, throw her twinkles at him. If I were you, I'd give him a fair chance and see what happens. You have nothing to lose. Take a chance, win a prize."

"Rather not," Hazel scowled.

"But thanks for the offer. That's really sweet of you. It just doesn't feel right to me to take such a big step. Time will tell. And what must be, will be,"
she answered philosophically.

"You sound like my great-aunt now."

"Or like an old cake,"Hazel said and burst out laughing

"One and the same thing," muttered Louise and stuffed a macaroon whole in her mouth.


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