< chapter 10 >

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"Look who I found at the bar," said Mario as he walked towards her with a huge, smug smile plastered on his face.

Hazel can't make out who he's referring to because his tall body keeps blocking her view. When he stopped in front of her, her cup overflowed.

Behind him is Axel, who now looks more like a shy teenage boy than a skilled bachelor.

"It's Noah's friend I told you about," said Mario from above, watching her amused.

"The accounting master? Axel West? Who was going to school with my brother?"

This asshole! She will show him that her flower pot is not easily shaken. "Oh, yes, that's right," replied her inner will exploding with distress. "I remember now."luckily she sounds very calm.

Axel stretches out his hand towards her and the sexy smile he gives makes every hormone in her body do cartwheels.

"Nice to meet you. You look quite familiar to me. Haven't we seen each other before?" he asked uncertainly.

"Hazel Smith. Pleasant acquaintance."

If she had a camera at hand, she would have taken a picture and sent it to Kwêla Funnies, because his expression is super funny.

Hazel? Hazel Smith! I... Wow! I hardly recognized you. It's these new contact lenses of mine. Sorry. You..." he clumsily tries to come up with something like an apology.

You look amazing, Hazel.
Jeez, you make my guts feel like jelly, Hazel.
You're a hundred times prettier than Lilan.

When is he going to it say this? That's what she wants to hear. Not his flimsy excuses. She's deeply disappointed. Deeply!

"Where is Lilan tonight?" she asked sweetly. "I thought you would have danced all over the floor."

"She's not here. She said she doesn't see any chance for farm nonsense."

"She's not the only one," Mario agreed, rolling his eyes.
"Keeping kicks in an old dairy with a manure floor is not for everyone."

"That's a shame," Hazel said innocently, but her heart was pounding with joy. "Don't you want to sit for a while, Axel? Have your drink here with us."

"I really can't stay too long," he quickly apologized. Too fast. "I have to look after the bridesmaid. You know how it goes at weddings."

"Oh come on?" she begged, pouting her lips. She doesn't know where the sudden jerk comes from, but it works like a bomb.

"Alright, I'll go down one drink here with you. I still owe her a dance or so, but at least the evening is still young."

It looks like he wants to say something more and she sucks her breathe in to hear what it will be.

"Hazel, if I may ask: Will you dance the last dance with me?"

Her heart suddenly jumped so high in her throat that she can barely get a word out

"That's now if you don't mind, Mario?" he continued.

"No dude" Mario replied. "By then my feet will be so sore because of all the dancing I won't be able to keep Hazel happy. And she really enjoys it when a man knows his stuff. On the dance floor, I mean now."

Hazel's eyes flash fire. She frantically thought of the nastiest curse word she could hurl at Mario. There are thousands of curse words swirling in her head and once she starts, she will never end.

"Alright then. Let me go. See you now, Hazel."

Axel jumps up and gets him off his feet in a hurry.

"Some people truly have all the luck in the world,"  Mario says and looks after him longingly.

"Leave alone!" Hazel ordered sternly.

"And if you say something so ridiculous as you just said, I'll turn your neck just beyond your tailbone and plant onions in your navel."

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