Chapter 20: Onkar

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The next day Kartik and I try to find an opportunity to talk to Arasi, to plan how to go about interviewing people. Throughout the school hours, we don't get any time. There are no free periods and no sports or even our regular meditation. And soon it is announced in class that there will be no further meditations through school nor any activity that involves using your powers. Since there is a ban to go near the rivers or drink outside water, they say we can't risk wasting the water inside us because we have only that to drink it? Sounds pretty gross.

If they think that people can survive by drinking the water from their powers, then they are so wrong. What about the soldiers? They have to use their powers if something bad happens. Not to forget that explosion during that ceremony which is rumored to be done by Marhalis. I shake my head in dismay, there's no future for this kingdom with an idiot sitting on the throne.

After the school ends, Arasi is the first one to exit the classroom. We try to be quick and follow her but she disappears in thin air. "Where did she go?" I squint my eyes as I stand under the blinding light of the sun.

"Look, there's she is!" Kartik points at a faraway tree under which a girl's back is turned towards us.

"Are you sure it's Arasi?" We get closer to the tree when the girl turns around, revealing to be Arasi. She doesn't seems to notice us as she stuffs something in her bag.

Kartik and I exchange glances. I urge him to speak through my eyes but he nudges me forward instead. "Hey." I finally speak, earning her attention. "I'm Onkar."

"And I'm Kartik." Kartik holds his hand up.

"Yeah, I know." Her reply is blunt.

"You remember the task the art teacher assigned us with, right? We're in the same group."

"Oh right. Kaavya told about the changes and all." She fondles with the strap of her bag, her eyes diluted.

"Yeah, shall we start it?"

"Right now?" She groans but starts walking anyway. "Let's sit in the lunchroom."

The lunchroom is empty now that the school for seniors is over and the juniors are still in their classes. But the cooks are still there, preparing the meal for the other kids. I smell something odd when we take our seats at an isolated table, as if a days old sambhar is being reheated. I think it's better I tell Amma to pack our lunch instead of eating from here.

Kartik nudges me out of my thoughts and gestures to Arasi, who has her head on her hand which is propped up on the table. Her eyes are on the verge of closing and it's clear that she doesn't wants to use the bench to sit but to rather sleep.

"So... um, where should we start?" I ask her.

She looks up, startles. "Oh, ummmm let's think."

"Yeah, maybe we can start from deciding which people to interview?" I take out my book to make notes. "Maybe we can start with physicians because they are the ones who know the best." I look up when I don't get a response and see Arasi looking up at the ceiling, her neck strained as is someone is bending a pole.

"I want to fly." She whispers.

"What?" I stop my laugh as Kartik's brows raise in bewilderment.

"I can fly right? Out of this world?" She asks bending her neck more back.

"Man, I'm not sure if she's isn't high on something." I joke in a whisper and Kartik rolls his eyes. Never knew I would see this version of her in our first meet.

"Yeah you can but now can we do this?" I tell and try to bring her attention to the work we have. But whatever I speak doesn't reaches her ears, as if she has gone deaf for a while. She admires the air around us and gleams at sudden moments making us aware that her body is here but her mind is somewhere else.

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