Chapter 16: Arasi

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I think the reason your father doesn't trust you is because you're stupid. And your ideas suck.

I wonder if you're capable of being a Maharani in the future. That takes a lot and you... nah.

"Shut up..." I grit my teeth and continue writing down the notes, the tip of my feather almost piercing the paper.

Your father loves things that are precious, which are worthy to be loved and cherished. Maybe, you're just not one of them. Basically, you're worthless.

"Shut up!" I yell, louder this time. So loud that it not only echoes through my brain but also makes my friends flinch.

"Woah, you scared me Arasi." Kavya clutches her chest in surprise. Some people who hear my voice look back at me from their seats but don't heed much attention before going back to talk amongst themselves. It's lunch time so half the class is empty.

"Right, what's up with you screaming?" Anirudh frowns. "Thank the goddess, the teacher isn't here yet."

I clear my throat and look at my notes. The page is torn from the middle and ink is smudged. Shit. I rub my face and take deep breaths just the way Guruji had once told me. "Nothing guys, just a headache." And it isn't a lie. My head is banging against this imaginary wall again and again, and it feels like my skull will break open in two.

Joining school after unlocking my second soul isn't as satisfying as I expected it to be. Sure, the congratulations from students who talk shit behind my back and the fake happiness of people who look down on me are all worth it. But it also resurrected the vicious voices that I had buried deep behind the corners of my mind.

"You need something?" Anirudh asks.

"No, no, I'm fine." I sigh.

"First, you should take a break from studies. I'm sure it's eating your brain." Kavya takes away my book and keeps it aside.

I give her a thin-lipped smile and try to take a nap, making my arms a makeshift pillow on the desk. But as soon as I close my eyes, I have to open them back because Kavya has to talk.

"Do you guys know about Onkar?" She asks. She just said she wants me to take a break and now she wants to talk? Ugh!

"There he is." Anirudh points at the furry boy sitting ahead, burping. I'm sitting in between the two, and that's why only I can smell the strong garlic odor coming from Anirudh's mouth. I hate it.

"No, like have you two ever talked to him?" Kavya asks and I look down on her. Her head only reaches to my neck even when we are sitting.

"I haven't." I rub my eyes and Anirudh says no too. Even though we are in the same class, I hardly talk with anyone. I would have never talked with these two either if it hadn't been for the sake of my father who wanted me to make friends, to socialize. And after befriending them, I realized that friendships aren't meant for me.

"Why are you asking about him?" Anirudh shifts in his seat, and his big belly jiggles while he does so.

"Mother told me to befriend him. Though she didn't tell me why." Kavya shrugs. "But I think it's good. He's good at studies anyways, so it'll benefit me somehow."

I chuckle. "You only become friends with someone who will benefit you in some way and not because you actually want to befriend that person, right?"

Kavya blinks, faking innocence. "Um, no? I don't know what you're talking about but you're being rude, Arasi." I stop the urge to groan at her accusation.

Ever since I have known Kavya, I always had to give something in order to receive something back. It was always expected that I'd give her what she wanted and that she would label it as friendship. But maybe, she befriended me with that thought already in mind.

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