number thirty-seven

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Ariel Jiménez

I love my friends.

We were all getting ready to leave and go to the dance academy but we all woke up late. After I told them everything on Saturday, none of us could really do anything fun as we had planned. So, we did everything on Sunday which proved to be a terrible idea when we slept through all of our alarms.

We only got up when Quinn's mom came in.

Blaise was in the shower, Dionne was peeing, Quinn was drying her hair, and I was washing my face.

"I'm wiping, nobody look at my vagina!" Dionne announced as I heard her rip off some toilet paper.

"Girl, nobody wants to see that," Quinn laughed.

"I've already seen it once, and once is enough," I mumbled through the bubbles around my mouth.

"When the fuck did that happen?!" Blaise cackled as he threw the shower curtain open.

"I was nervous to go to my first gynecologist appointment and only Ariel was answering his phone," she stated as she bumped my hip with hers so she could wash her hands.

"Yeah, she wanted me to stand behind the doctor to make sure he didn't do anything weird."

"That's a fair concern," Quinn shrugged as she slid her one-piece on.

I dried my face with a deadpan look. "No man should ever have to see his bestie's vagina in such a way."

"Hey, at least we reached a new level in our friendship!" Dionne grinned.

"Next up, go with Blaise to his prostate exam," Quinn giggled.

"I'd rather die," Blaise and I said at the same time.

The girls laughed at us and we all continued to get ready.

"Nobody look at my dick," Blaise coughed as he dropped his towel after putting lotion on his chest and arms.

"I've also seen that way too many times," I sighed as I slipped into my tights.

"We're too comfortable with each other," Dionne giggled.

The girls giggled as Blaise shoved past me to grab his deodorant.

"You big neanderthal! Watch it!'' I hissed as I balanced myself on the counter.

We continued getting ready until Quinn's driver told us it was time to go. We stumbled out of the bathroom, down the stairs, and out of the door. We talked and laughed about stupid shit the whole ride there.

"Thank you, Williams!" Quinn grinned as we all crawled out of the car.

"Of course, Ms. Liu," Williams bowed.

We made our way up the entrance steps and then up the steps to our practice room.

"Ya know, being elite should mean having an elevator," I groaned as we conquered the long staircase.

"Being elite also means being fit," Blaise smirked at me.

"Fuck you," I scowled.

We walked through the doors of the practice room and everyone was sitting, chatting, and stretching.

"Nathaniel isn't here yet," Dionne mentioned as she looked around.

"Neither is Ms. Tai," Blaise added.

We walked to our usual corner and began our duo stretches.

After a few minutes, the doors opened and Nathaniel came walking in. His hair wasn't gelled back or styled at all. His bangs rested fluffy on his forehead. He wore a black sleeveless shirt and black leggings like everyone else (except the few who chose beige leggings under their black leotard).

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