number nine

98 5 32

Ariel Jiménez

"Hai mangiato?" The soft, sweet, and aged voice filled my ears as soon as I clicked that glowing green button. 

"Ciao, papa." 

"Ciao, Angelo." He chuckled.

"E sì papa, ho mangiato. È per questo che hai chiamato?" I smiled as I continued to rinse out the sink after having just washed my face. 

"Non posso semplicemente chiamare per controllare il mio bambino?" I could hear the huge smile on his face, which brought a huge smile to my face. 

"Costa molto chiamare in tutto il mondo, papa. Lo sai. Inoltre, non è che posso visitarti in qualsiasi momento presto." I sighed, leaving Alex's bathroom to go sit on the couch. 

"Erais non ha mai parlato di venire a trovarci?" He sounded sad. 

Mommy hasn't traveled to visit her family in Italy since papa's heart attack. It's probably because to this very day they keep trying to convince her to marry this guy named Darren when she has a whole ass husband and nine kids.

Maybe if you guys stopped trying to marry her off, she'd visit more.

That's what I wanted to say, but instead, I said:

"No, scusa papa." 

He sighed on the other line before telling me he loved me, nagging me to call him, and telling me to tell mommy to call him.

"Who was that?" I heard Alex's voice as he approached the couch.

"My grandpa," I answered boredly as I scrolled through my Instagram timeline.

"Oh really?" He mumbled.

I guess he thought I didn't hear him because he looked completely shocked when I responded.

"Yeah. Really."

I eyed him as he went to sit down next to me.

"Why're you all dressed up?

"I'm going out." I shrugged as I shot Blaise a text that I'd be on my way soon.

"Where? With who?"

"I don't know where yet, he said we'd decide when we meet up."

"He? Who the fuck are you going out with?" Alex turned his whole body towards me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Blaise. Calm down, what the heck. Why are you getting so worked up?"

The way he reacted felt out of place. Normally he would've shrugged it off and called it whatever.

"Why are you always with this Blaise guy?"

"He's my childhood best friend, Alex. Chill out."

I stood up and walked towards the door to slide my shoes on.

"You're not fucking going. You came here to spend time with me not go out with your fucking 'friend'." He put air quotes around "friend" as if I was lying or something.

"Alex, you can't prevent me from hanging out with my friend." I sighed.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the door, his grip started to make my arm ache.

"Alex! Ow! Let go! What the hell?!" I pulled my arm away from him, rubbing my aching muscle.

"Don't leave."

"Alex, what's wrong with you?!" I screamed as I pulled my sleeve up and noticed it started to turn bright red.

"I'll fucking chain you down if you try to leave."

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