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Derek stands at the end of the bed with a soft smile on his face. "He's truly Marks son."

Bonnie smiles gently, laid on her side with her son in her arms. "Isn't he? He's looking more normal shaped and I see it more and more." She hums and strokes his chunky cheek.

Callie gently knocks the door and peaks in. "Hey." She whispers, giving an emotional smile as she sees the tiny tot. "Oh Mark..." she whispers quietly.

Derek shoots her a look; they're not going there yet. Bonnie is in her bubble for the moment and they're going to allow her more than 12 hours. Callie rolls her eyes a little then sets the gift bag on the tablet beside the bed. "How are you?"

Bonnie looks up with a dazed smile. "I'm good. As good as I can be with 5 stitches in my cooch."

Callie laughs small. "Ouch. And how's this little man?" She reaches down to gently stroke his cheek.

Bonnie smiles as she goes back to watching him. "He is 19 inches long, 6 pounds 3 ounces and already pooping like a trooper."

"You look incredible." Callie smiles.

"I don't feel it." Bonnie blushes and winces as she slowly sits up. "I gotta shower but I don't wanna." She admits.

"What if I help?" Callie offers. "You just tell me what you need."

Bonnie hesitates as she glances at the baby. "He needs me..."

"I'll hold him?" Derek offers. "I have one good arm, so long as he sleeps we should be good."

"Sorted." Callie smiles. "Come on, you'll feel so much better."

Bonnie takes a deep breath and nods once, accepting the offer for help. As she carefully gets up, Callie helps get Derek situated in the armchair with the baby, his good arm supported by a pillow. She then follows Bonnie who's just about make it to the bathroom alone.

While Bonnie showers, Ewan and Poppy wait in the canteen. Ewans eyes dart around nervously while Poppy aimlessly stirs her coffee. "She really doesn't need or want them here." He mutters.

"They are her siblings, too. Megan and Henny have as much right here as we do. Here they are." She nods over his shoulder and he turns quickly to see them come in, each with a small suitcase and gift bag.

"Hi!" Hen smiles and rushes over, instantly hugging Poppy. "It's great to see you!"

"Under unfortunate circumstances." Megan adds as she smiles sheepishly at Ewan, nodding in greeting. He nods back once.

"Incredibly unfortunate. How was your flights?" Poppy asks politely as they all sit down.

"Long, mine got delayed like 3 times." Hen huffs.

Megan shrugs small. "Easy."

"Why are you here? Ow!" Ewan tuts as Poppy stomps on his toes.

"Why are you here? Ow!" Ewan tuts as Poppy stomps on his toes

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mark on my heart | Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now