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Bonnie walks into the ICU as everyone stands talking. She catches them mid conversation, Bailey, Arizona and Mark conversing.

"Well, Callie's cardiovascular status could possibly be greatly improved, but we just need to know..." Bailey pauses.

Arizona finishes her thought. "What we want to do."

Marks tone is hard. "No, what Callie would want us to do." He snaps as if its the most obvious thing.

"The baby's barely viable." Arizona snaps back despite it being painful to do so. That baby has come to mean a lot to her but Callie means a hell of a lot more.

Mark rolls his eyes. "Why are we even talking about the baby?"

Arizona is shocked, disgusted. "Did-did you just say that?" She glares.

"No, I'm saying, we give Callie the best shot she can get." He shrugs, arms crossed.

Arizona shakes her head in disbelief. "All right ... But Callie wants a baby."

"Arizona..." Bailey slowly cautions, seeing the tension rising.

Mark steps forward. "Callie wants to live."

"Well, we all want her to live, but what's her life gonna be like if she wakes up and her child is gone?" Arizona glares.

"What's her life gonna be like if she's dead?" He sasses angrily.

"Oh, God!" Arizona finally fully snaps. "It's not that simple!"

Mark shakes his head, jaw clenched. "It is. I don't like it. It's horrible, but it is that simple. We can have another baby. We can't have another Callie."

Arizona glares. "Oh, so you're just gonna screw my girlfriend again?"

"Oh, for God sakes. Get over it!" He bursts. "We screwed. Big deal, Bonnie doesnt care so you're the only one who does anymore." He scoffs.

"It is Mark. It is a big deal." She looks up for a moment.

"Well, if that's what it takes to make another child ... my child ... we'll screw again." He smirks coldly.

This fuels Arizona more. "No, you won't." She narrows her eyes as she glares, stepping forwards.

He does the same. "Yes, we will."

"You are out of your mind. Just because you're too much of a man-whore to make any relationship work-"

"Okay, I've had enough." Bonnie snaps as she finally steps forward info the group rathe than outside of it. She looks between the two with a stern expression. She settles on Arizona. "Don't you dare speak to him that way. And you don't speak to her that way. Am I clear?" She looks at Mark sternly.

When both nod, she continues. "Callie is something to all of us here. She is our friend. Lover. Colleague. She deserves the clearest minds and the truest intentions. Not a pissing contest between those closest to her!" She tuts. Both hang their heads. "Addison is going to assess her. And she will make the decision, am I clear? We take the advice of those around us. Not our own wants and desires."

Bailey looks at her with deep respect; Bonnie never asked for this. Yet she's here, fighting for Callie and the baby, fighting for the right things. Not holding it against them, like she might have if she were in Bonnie's place. "I'll let the others know the plan." She mutters and wanders off.

Arizona storms off as Mark sinks down the wall. Bonnie sinks down beside him. "You and Arizona are never going to be on the same page but you have to be more reasonable." She says gently.

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