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"So are you actually going to marry him or what?" Derek casually throws in as he sits in the rocking chair waiting for Bonnie to finish changing Rett.

"Excuse you?" Bonnie quirks a brow as she buttons up the onesie.

"You've been engaged for like, years." He shrugs.

Bonnie rolls her eyes and scoops her son up. "We've been engaged for 2 years, so what? Not all of us host a wedding on a post it note whenever we feel like it."

"I set the bar high huh?" He winks, smirking. "Gimme." He holds his arms out for Rett.

She hands him over and tidies up the nursery a little. "Look... its... we've..." she sighs. "We've been preoccupied. Of course we want to do it but life keeps putting a kink in things." She flicks the lid of the laundry basket closed. "Infertility, mental instability, a plane crash, comas, yaddy yadda."

"But lifes good at the moment, no?" He watches her sympathetically.

She smiles small, hesitant. "Yeah... but for how long?" She mumbles. She clears her throat and shrugs. "It'll happen when it happens okay? I'm sure you'll be best man. You or Avery." She heads to the laundry room.

"Av- excuse you!" He snaps and follows her. "Avery!?"

Bonnie smirks as she loads the drier to free up the washer she uses endlessly through the day. She dreads to think what it'll be like with more kids one day. "Yeah, he and Mark are very close." She shrugs casually.


"Language." She tuts as Rett jumps.

"Is that who he's with right now?" He demands.

"Yes. Avery asked for advice on a case, Mark offered to go- oh thanks, yeah bye." She laughs as she's quickly handed her child, Derek swiftly leaving after. "Bye!" She calls as she hears the door close. She giggles to herself and bounces Rett. "That was easy enough huh? Now I know how to shut down your uncle Dee."

Rett coos and shrieks, chewing his fist. She heads downstairs and sets him on his tummy time mat. She sits on the couch for a second and then kneels by the coffee table, digging through the old magazines there. She pulls out the bridal one and flicks through it, sitting back to take a closer look. It would be nice to maybe think about a wedding...


Bonnie scrambles to put the magazine away realising it's been in her hands most of the afternoon, all the time not spent tending to Rett during his naps. "Here." She says and tries to compose herself. Why does she feel weird!?

Mark slowly walks in and smiles. "No cane, see?" He waves his hands.

She smiles. "Check you, handsome." She goes over and wraps her arms around him.

He looks around. "Did we manic clean today?" He teases gently.

"We absolutely did." She smiles. "Then I read for a while." She shrugs.

"Read wha- ah I see." He nods at the magazine. "Where's that from?"

"I got it when we first got engaged." She admits and moves to the couch. She touches the cover gently. "I liked the dress inside the main spread. Sort of imagined myself in it. But I'm sure whenever we choose to marry I'll find something just as nice."

Mark sits beside her. "We never really did much with the whole wedding idea huh."

"Infertility, treatments, plane crash, coma... oh my." She hums. "Life happened."

"Life is always going to happen." He points out as he grabs the magazine and flicks through. "Make a list of the things we need to think about. Then we can gradually start to think about them and before we know it, we'll have a wedding." He suggests. "It can't be that... hard..." He comes to one of the articles of '100 things to know for your wedding day'.

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