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"You should have found out by now." Miranda persists as she follows Bonnie down the hallway. "Gimme their number, I'll call-"

"The clinic are backed up, okay? Chill." Bonnie rolls her eyes as she swaps a few charts over and updates the computer. She glances over to see Bailey with her arms crossed, glaring. "What?" She mimics the stare but with a slight smirk.

"Do you already know?" She raises a brow.

"You think I'd be so composed if I knew?" She reasons.

Bailey's eyes narrow and she scrutinises Bonnie for a moment. "The moment, the exactly moment, you know? Find me. Call me." She demands before heading off in response to a page.

Bonnie smirks a little to herself and glances around, pulling her phone out again to re-read the email Mark and her received a few days ago. Of course they had a phone call to confirm, but the email followed as further confirmation. She is currently 3 weeks post-implant and she is technically 4 weeks pregnant. When you work out the age of the embryo on transplant, she's 3 weeks more.

It was the first time she ever saw Mark cry. She didn't know he had tear ducts, to be honest. He almost cried when everything happened with Sofia and Callie but not fully - not until then.

They want to wait for her next bloods before they tell everyone, but it's hard having such a public ordeal; they know when the transfer happened, when they should know, and are questioning why they don't know yet. Most people can hide their pregnancies as long as they desire, but that isn't the case for Bonnie and Mark.

"Have they called yet?"

Bonnie sighs and raises a brow as she turns to Meredith. "You are just as bad as your husband."

She smiles. "He's so excited for you. It's sort of sweet yet mostly annoying."

Bonnie smiles small. "No I haven't heard." She says and checks her watch. "I gotta go meet Mark - don't forget, di-"

"Dinner at 7, don't worry, we'll be there." Meredith smiles. She has a feeling it's good news, they wouldn't plan a meal unless it was positive, right? If you'd have told Meredith a few months ago that she and Bonnie Teller would be getting along, she would have laughed and called you a dumbass.

Mark checks around them as he rushes over to Bonnie, pulling her into a kiss. "Hi. And Hi to you." He puts a hand on her tummy.

She laughs. "Coz he or she totally knows who you are." She playfully rolls her eyes.

He grins. "They know me. Trust me. And he or she would be just a he, I assure you."

"Oh do you now?" She raises a brow. "We actually have another 16 weeks to wait. IF we find out."

"We could call the clinic. They'll know what gender the baby is." He reasons. For about the 100th time.

"You promised we can wait." She whines.

Mark huffs playfully. "I don't like waiting."

"Keep up the attitude and you'll wait-"

"Hey hey okay okay." He holds his hands up.

She smirks at him. "Go annoy your bestie for a while or something okay? I need to go speak to chief Hunt."

"Why?" He scowls.

"It's courtesy to inform your boss of things going on." She rolls her eyes and pats his ass as she walks off.

"He isn't your boss." He calls.

"He's everyone's boss!"


Bonnie spoke with Owen who congratulated her and agreed to help liase with HR about her work load, handling her medications and the pregnancy, the possibility of more appointments in the future. He was pretty helpful, despite what everyone says about him.

mark on my heart | Mark SloanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant