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"Callie, the baby is fine. You heard- shut up! I wouldn't tell you're fine if you weren't. I did have sex with her yes... she's still a doctor, Callie!" Mark grows exasperated. "You and the baby are fine. I'm done with this, goodbye Calliope." He tuts and hangs up, shaking his head.

Derek raises an eyebrow as he comes over. "Whats going on now? You're all drama now."

Mark shakes his head. "Callie worrying about the baby. Driving me insane."

Derek nods small. "Right... so how was Poppy?"

"She was fine."

"Did she-"

"Nope." Mark shakes his head. "To be honest I'm glad I don't known where she is." He shakes his head.

"Mm... what did you do?" Derek gasps looking behind Mark.

Mark looks over, confused, and quickly pushes Derek in front of him. "It wasn't me!"

Miranda rolls her eyes and holds out a white envelope. "This is for you, ya nasty." She tuts.

"Love notes? For me? Oh you angel." He winks as he takes it. He gets a sinking feeling as he recognises the handwriting. "Naa I don't want it."

"You touched it, it's yours now." Miranda smirks and walks off.

Derek looks at the envelope as Mark throws it on the desk a few feet away. "What is it?"

"Trash. Burn it." He snaps, walking off.

Derek picks the letter up and runs his fingers over the handwriting. He turns it over and reads the return address.

Miss Bonnie Teller
Patient number 3-13
The Wilson Wellbeing Centre
San Diego


Wellbeing centre...?

Derek shoves the envelope in his pocket and heads to the library, logging onto a computer quickly and loading up Google. He searches 'Wilson Wellbeing Centre' and reads up on it.

The Wilson Wellbeing Centre was opened in 1998 by Les Wilson to commemorate his wife. He opened the centre and still funds it to this day to help those struggling with mental disorders and the effects that come with them. As of June, 2007, over 3 thousand individuals have received care under the team currently working at the centre.

Derek rubs his jaw as he sits back. Mental health - so she's in the loony bin? Why? Since when? Well, probably since she lost it with everyone and left Mark so suddenly. After the shooting, Derek wasn't there much. It half excuses him from not putting effort in, he was recovering from dying, but these past few weeks he's definitely wondered where she got to.

He reaches for the phone and dials the number. "Hi yes, I was wondering if I could speak to a patient?"

"It would depend on the patient and whether they are authorised for phone conversations, would you like me to check?" The woman asks.

"Please. Patient 3-13, Bonnie Teller." He says, glancing at the pictures of the centre again. It's definitely a psych ward, just fluffed up to sound less daunting and serious. Now he needs to find out if she's been forced there and he needs to break her out or if she went willingly. If it's willing? He's at a loss for why.

The hold line music ends quickly. "Miss Teller has call privileges but is currently in a therapy session. Is there a number I can take? And a name? She can call you back when she's finished."

mark on my heart | Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now