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Bonnie feels sheepish as she makes her way back to the hospital a few days after the anniversary events

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Bonnie feels sheepish as she makes her way back to the hospital a few days after the anniversary events. She took a few days and let herself feel her emotions and now she's ready to go back. Throw herself in. One stop first, however.

"Doctor Sloan?" Bonnie says gently as she stands in the lounge doorway.

He looks up from his newspaper and quickly closes it. "Hey!" He smiles.

Bonnie smiles politely. "Hi. I just came to say thank you for the other day. I acted stupidly and you helped me when I was really rude to you-"

"No one blames you for being rude on a day like that." He shakes his head. "You have every right. Are you feeling alright now?"

Bonnie nods and tucks her hair back gently. "I do. Derek made me take a few days and I think it was the right thing - but don't tell him, his ego doesn't need any more boosts."

Mark laughs. "No it doesn't. I'm glad you're feeling better, Nurse Teller." He nods.

Bonnie smiles warmly and heads off to her shift, tying her hair back. As she makes her way up to the lab to grab some results, she pauses when she hears Derek and Addison talking. Is that a good sign? They 'officially' divorce today and Derek says he's totally okay with it but is he?

Addison takes a deep breath. Her voice is quiet, sombre. "Mark wasn't a one night stand. I was in love with him. Or at least I thought I was. After you left, we lived together for two months. I wanted to believe that we could make it work. I wanted to believe I hadn't thrown my marriage away, that I hadn't thrown my life away on a fling. But he's mark and well... I caught him with someone else. And then Richard called. We both had relationships with other people. We're both equally reliable. So please take the Brownstone."

Derek, who stands with his hands on his hips, is silent for a moment. "All I want is Seattle. I want Seattle and never to see you again." His calm voice snaps at the end. He storms off rubbing his forehead as Addison leans on the wall and sighs deeply.

Bonnie's heart begins to thump as she rushes off to the lab again. Oh no. Oh no no no. What's he going to do when he finds out she slept with Mark? He doesn't care about Addison now and hes that angry. Bonnie spots the devil himself leaning on the wall by the hatch.

"Sloan." She rushes over.

"Are you stalking me, Teller?" He tuts playfully.

She pokes his chest. "No one can know. Ever. Seriously, I will castrate you if Derek ever finds out!" She snaps, thankful no one is around as she struggles to control her voice.

"You've gone all mean again." He scowls. "I already said I wouldn't tell him. It's Meredith I'd worry about - you don't like each other, right?"

Bonnie pales and slowly backs up, taking off running. Meredith should be leaving the M&M any minute. If she can catch- Oh no.

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