Pop Goes a Weasel

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CONTENT WARNING: chapter will contain content including violence, mentions of sexual violence, illegal activities and drugs/chemicals. 

No scenes in this chapter will involve sexual violence being committed, but threats will be made for dramatic effect and providing insight into a villain's capacity for evil behavior.

Also, a few details may be inconsistent but I intend on going back through and making sure all the details line up so the story doesn't get wacky.


As soon as the first class was over, the school was in utter chaos. All 6 members of Bangtan checked their phones to be informed of Jimin's expulsion and to say that they were out for blood would be an understatement. Jin was trying to call Jimin, but with no luck. The Omega wasn't answering his phone, but that could be dealt with after his mates weren't plowing through anyone in the hallway as they rampaged toward the principal's office. Their angry pheromones were so burnt and STRONG that people nearby were choked until their knees gave out and Omegas caught in the crossfire were sobbing hysterically. Most of them were still in the cafeteria, but a few made their ways toward class... Poor Omegas.

Jin almost caught up when a little voice squeaked at him from behind. "A-Alpha? Um, Alpha Jin? ALPHA JIN!" He looked back in shock. There was a little Beta, shaking horribly and panting slightly. 

"I'm sorry, but I really don't have time-"

The beta held up a phone, cracked from the corner. Jin's heart dropped to his stomach as he immediately recognized the case he and Namjoon bought Jimin as a courting gift a couple weeks ago. Jimin's phone hadn't been cracked though. "Where did you find that?"

The beta swallowed visibly and looked down. "I found it by the front doors, on the ground. You were calling it, so i thought... you would want to know."

Jin tried not to think of the absolute worst. He immediately called Jimin's parents, his brother, Yeonjun. None of them had seen him and his father was home. Jimin wasn't though. He checked the cameras at Hobi's just in case, but nothing. Jimin was missing.... without his phone. He'd sent that text 20 minutes ago now, so he definitely had time to get home, but he wasn't. Jin sprinted to the office, where his mates were all screaming and growling at the principal who truly didn't know her fucking place, but that could wait. "NAMJOON!"

The tall Alpha stood up straight and looked over when he smelled soured salty, almost rotten coconut. Jin was panicking and his anger at that woman simmered as his concerned, protective urges spurred him toward his distressed mate. "Jin? What happened?"

Jin shakily held up the phone as panic, anger and guilt spread through his body, leaving him cold and nauseous. "Jimin.... is missing."

Namjoon was silent as it sunk in. Their Omega? Missing? "Home? Parents? Friends?" His brain tried to search for any obvious solution they could be missing. 

"I called them all. He's not there. Namjoon... he fought an Alpha claiming to be Pureblood the other day." 

Namjoon growled, Jin almost flinching at the angry rumble. "Nobody told ME about this?" His mind was very helpful in supplying multitudes of sickening images of possibilities. The other Alphas finally caught on to the situation and came over to find out why the other two were so upset. "FIND. THAT. ALPHA. I don't care who it was, if he has Jimin, I'll fucking end him."

Jungkook caught on due his knowledge of that situation and explained, quite helpfully, to the rest. "He fought a supposed 'pureblood' named Jae-Kyun (a.n. Just a random name, not a real idol). I dug into it a little and there's a possibility his brother is a pureblood, but they have different mothers, so he is most definitely not."

Namjoon nodded. "Hoseok, call your father. We're gonna need his 'business' to deal with the aftermath."

Hoseok nodded and left the area to go make that call, despite him not having the best relationship with his father, he knows the man would never allow Hoseok to get caught in a legal scandal because it would 'ruin his reputation.' What it would ruin is the cover to all the illegal things HE does. Man is so deep in illegal business that he has money laundering restaurants, ties in the mafia, and people that clean up when someone 'disappears'. Really convenient for this particular occasion.

Namjoon looked back to Jungkook. "Do we have an address?"

Jungkook opened his phone to go back through the research him and Yoongi had done into this man, just in case they needed it. It's pretty convenient that Purebloods have impossible egos. Him being supposedly pureblood made his social media presence much less private. "We have his address, but there's 2 other locations owned by their family, suspected to be isolated due to illegal activities."

Namjoon nodded. "Which one is closest, we'll go there first."

Jungkook showed Namjoon the location and they rushed out to go look for Jimin. Jin looked nervously at Namjoon as he drove. "Shouldn't we call the police?"

Namjoon nodded. "We should have. That would have been the legal way to go. But personally, I already asked Hobi's dad to step in. I want this Alpha's spine ripped out, not for him to be protected by the law that keeps him alive."

Jin looked at the others. "We're not criminals, Joon-"

Jungkook and Hoseok both chimed in. "Speak for yourself." They both wanted nothing more than to rip this man apart.

Jin glared at them. "You're not helping! What if Jimin gets hurt because we start an all out pack war?"

Yoongi sighed. "Jin, you have a point, but what if he's already hurt? We can't wait for the police."

Jin conceded and nodded in understanding. Not even he could sit still if his Omega is hurt, law be damned.



Jimin felt like a stormcloud was crashing through his skull down to his stomach. He couldn't for the life of him figure out why it hurt so much. Why was it so dark? Did it always smell so bad?

He attempted to wake up, which is when he began registering that he didn't remember going to sleep. He hadn't slept, he'd been drugged. He was coming to with a horrible stench that smelled like sweat, blood, cigarette smoke, and greasy food that probably molded. He opened his eyes and he was staring at pairs of feet. Several pairs spread out like they were hanging out across the room. He tried to sit up to get a better view of them and he realized he couldn't because his arms were taped tightly by what felt like the whole roll of duct tape minus the strip they used to cover his face.

One pair of feet made their way over to him. "Sleeping Beauty finally woke up~. Looks like he still needs a Prince to save him though. Too bad there's no Princes for you. They'll never find you before I ruin you. They'll never want you again~ Should I put you out of your misery?"

Jimin felt a disgusting twist in his stomach at the implications. No one but his Alphas should touch him. It didn't help that this man's voice was raspy and high-pitched like a rat. 'Fucking gross.'

At Jimin's lack of a response, the man fisted a hand in his hair and pulled him off the floor. Jimin flinched as strands of his hair broke off his scalp. Owie. "Your scent blockers are wearing off, Little 'Beta'."


Jimin visibly cowered, trying to hide his glands. If anyone blew his cover, he could face the law and go to prison for it! Then his Alphas would never want him. They couldn't stop anything from happening to him in there.

"What a pretty Omega. That face suits you so much better. Don't worry though. We're real gentle."


Hey Guys, sorry it got so dark so fast. This arc will NOT be the end of the story, but I hope you guys can continue to enjoy my writing. Thanks a lot!

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