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Jimin came out to the living room, holding Jin's hand. He was a little anxious to see everyone now that everyone knows he's not a beta. Last he saw, they were thinking about all the crimes he was committing just by going to school. As he peeked around the corner, he paused as he caught the end of their conversation.

"Should we pull him out then?"

"That would crush his dream. He'd hate us. Forever."

"He's good at keeping up the lie."

"But are we?"

Jin decided that was enough eavesdropping and he cleared his throat. Everyone turned and looked at Jimin, who was now wearing Jin's boxers and his fluffy pink sweater that was originally a secret and Jimin promised to pretend it was in his own backpack in case they had a sudden sleepover again.

It was almost like the IQ in the room plummeted because nobody could form words when such pretty, milky, smooth thighs were right there, teasing them. Jimin crossed his arms.

"Hey. Hey! NITWITS! My eyes are up here." Jimin hadn't gotten a single reaction from the first two attempts, but the 3rd try certainly got a rise out of them. He could tell Jungkook wanted to say something, but he looked up and turned away, huffing. Jimin looked up at Jin who smiled sweetly down at the Omega, his fierce glare nowhere in sight. But as soon as Jimin looked away, his warning was delivered. Jimin would be his spoiled little Princess and nobody would have a say in it.

Taehyung sighed and spoke up. "Sorry Minnie, but please don't call us names like that. We're decent at controlling our anger, but not THAT good." It was a polite response, which genuinely shocked Jimin.

"Ok, yeah. I'll think about that in the future." He scratched the back of his neck and suddenly realized he didn't have scent blockers on. His veins went cold and he covered his neck, looking around frantically.

The alphas noticed the change, obviously... and some were confused, but most definitely got the hint. "Jiminie... are you still not comfortable with your scent around us?" Namjoon bit his lip.

Jimin paused, feeling guilty and lost in his emotions. "I-I'm sorry. I... I haven't had a scent in like. 8... 10 years ish.... it's always been something I was afraid of." He looked down, still covering his neck.

A gel stick was slid into his sight as Yoongi handed it to him. "Here. If you're still uncomfortable, then don't push yourself. You're our mate whether you smell like an Omega or not."

Jimin smiled and took the stick, applying it lightly to his neck and wrists. It didn't completely cover his scent like he usually did, but it was enough to ease his anxiety. Jin sat down on a sofa with Namjoon and Yoongi, leaving the only open seat between Taehyung and Hoseok. Jimin sat there and almost a if on instinct, Hoseok's fingers found their way into Jimin's hair and gently pulled him to lay down with his head in Hobi's lap and his legs over Tae's. Jimin had never felt more comfy than that moment with Hoseok petting his hair and Tae's hands soothing over Jimin's legs, from his thigh to his ankle.

The exhaustion hit Jimin harder than a train. The adrenaline and panic had died. Now he was just... comfortable. Warm. Tired. He covered his mouth as he yawned and he nuzzled his cheek against Hobi's thigh.

He'd never admit it, but Taehyung definitely peeked at Jimin's rear as he wiggled to get comfy.

Before he fell asleep, Hoseok stroked the Omega's chin and pulled his attention up. "There's no school tomorrow, so we're gonna stay here and talk about some important things, ok?"

Jimin nodded and Hoseok went back to petting his hair. "Go ahead and fall asleep. We'll move you to bed before we say goodnight."

"Ok. Love you, Alphas."

The room went silent as the 6 men fought themselves to stay silent instead of rejoicing that their Omega loved them. Their mate was finally accepting them and they felt... whole. Jimin's breathing evened out and they relaxed a bit.

"Jin Hyung, are you crying?"

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