Chapter 24: Trust

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No One Pov:

Later on that day everyone was getting there breakfast. Heather got sick due to being stuck in a freezer.

*Time Skip*

Everyone was line up at the lake area where Noah was waiting. He wants to know what the next challenge is and when Noah heard it he couldn't help but smirk.

The next challenge is going to be around trust, something that every team is having trouble with. You really can't trust anyone with these challenges.

There are three challenges that at least two or more people have to do together. The campers can't choose there teammates.

Noah Pov:

*Time Skip*

I was in the lake waiting for one of the challenge to be around the lake as I will be targeting certain people now. I know I shouldn't have target DJ or Harold because they didn't do anything to Cody but at the same time I couldn't help it.

Noah Mind: I hope I get Duncan or heather down here. Maybe if I'm lucky I can drag Chris down here too.

I saw two people running to the lake. It was Geoff and Bridgette. None of them were my targets so I don't be trying anything at this movement.

Both Geoff and Bridgette were having a blast by from what I heard I kind of feel bad for Trent I mean he in the medical area thanks to that Lindsey girl.

That is when I saw it a snake ate DJ rabbit or at least I think its DJ rabbit. Geoff went after the snake but an eagle grab the snake.

That is when I saw a shark coming by. There is no way I am letting this happen. As the shark appears in front of Geoff and Bridgette I started to hum which made the shark froze in fear.

It look around before swimming off but the sadly the eagle did get away.

Bridgette: What was that?

Geoff: Oh no DJ is going to kill me

Bridgette: I'm sure he will understand but I am more worry about is that humming did you heat it?

Geoff: I did but I thought you were doing that

Bridgette: Well I wasn't.

Geoff: We should head back to the others

*Time Skip*

I was trying to by my time when I saw a sled with Leshawna and Gwen flying over the lake.

Noah Mind: Lets hope they don't die from that

In the end the gophers won the challenge and Sadie was voted off the island. I watch as Sadie and Katie get Reunited again which was sweet.

When they left though I got out of the water and left a mark on a tree. It was a heart with Cody name in the middle of it. I smile at it before returning to the water waiting for the next challenge to start.

Hey Everyone I am going to start skipping challenge as I need them near the water or the lake now. Noah will also be targeting some campers now.

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