Chapter 15: Closer

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Noah Pov:

I woke up to another one of Chris announcements. I swear if he keep this up I am going to get out of the water and ether destroy his stuff or kill him because its way to early for this.

After hunting down some fish I waited to see if anyone would come to the lake. It look some time but Cody came by the lake.

Cody: *sigh* The next challenge is a talent show which I won't be a part of. I just hope we win so one of us don't get voted out.

I wanted to talk to him but at the same time I knew cameras were watching him so I decided to do the next best thing. I move my hand around the surface of the water which shows something moving in the water but you can't tell if its a fish or not.

I could tell he smile at that because I heard soft giggles before he had to walk back. Then I was alone again.

*Time Skip*

I heard two people coming up to the lake it was that girl Gwen and a guy name Trent. I don't know why but I really don't like that Gwen girl but my anger went away when I saw Trent and her flirting with one another.

Noah Mind: Would Cody and I be like that someday? I hope so because then we both wouldn't be alone

That is when I heard running feat on the docks and before I knew it two people jump in the lake and splash the girl Gwen. She then got up and walk away.

Noah Mind: Is she having a bad day or something?

I then turn to see who is in the lake and it was Cody and Owen. I try my best to stay hidden but Cody went underwater and wave at me. I wave back and was about to join him but of course I stop myself.

Noah Mind: There Cameras and People here Noah you need to stay hidden and wait for tonight.

After a while they got out of the water and dry off before heading back to what I believe is there cabins.

*Time Skip*

I was trying my best to past the time when I heard someone come to the lake. I look up to see Cody. I then got out of the water and sat down in the sand. The reason why we go to the beach area of the lake is because there aren't many cameras here.

Cody: Hey I hope you weren't waiting too long

Noah Sarcastic: No no not at all

Cody: Oh good

Noah Mind: Does he not know what sarcasm is?

He then pull out the book and we started reading again. We are at the part where Marco heard a strange sound from an ally way.

Cody: Marco wanted to check out what that sound was but he also knew it was a bad idea as he was already having a bad day. "At least my birthday is tomorrow so something good has to happen," Marco said.

Noah: When he got home he saw his parents past out with his baby sister sleeping on top of one of them. "I guess I'm making dinner again," Marco thought.

We read to the part that Marco made dinner for his family before going to bed himself. We we got to that part I could tell Cody is tired.

Noah: We should stop here

Cody: Aww come on

Noah: Cody I can tell your tired go get some rest we can read more tomorrow

Cody: Alright Goodnight Noah

Noah: Goodnight Cody

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