Chapter 18: Biggest Fear

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No One Pov:

While Noah and Cody were talking before he had to leave for the cabin, Bridgette was trying her best to cheer up Sadie.

In the end Bridgette literally had to pull her away from the docks because she wasn't moving at all.

When they got back to the others, Sadie was still crying about losing Katie.

That is when the screaming gophers appear. The group brought out some of there Dessert while also staying out of the cabin because Owen stink it up.

Cody Pov:

We offer some of are Dessert to there group but Courtney freak out a little bit.

When Beth walk it to DJ he thought the gummy worm in it was a snake. I told him it was a gummy worm and he seem to calm down a little.

He ended up telling us that he is scared of snakes while Tyler come in saying he scared of chickens.

In the end both of are groups ended up talking about are fears like Beth being cover in bugs, Harold is scared of ninjas, Heather even said she was scared of sumo wrestlers.

Gwen said her worse fear was being buried alive, Lindsey is walking threw a minefield in heels, Owen is flying, Izzy is scared of planes which I guess is flying as well. Geoff fear was hail as it hurts a lot, Bridgette is being left alone in the woods, Sadie is bad hair cuts and Lindsey agree.

I say mine is defusing a time bomb under pressure. Courtney said she not scared of anything but Duncan say it was just bologna as we are all scared of something rather we know it or not.

Duncan is scared of Celine dion on music store standees.

I wasn't able to catch it so Trent repeat it. A lot of people started making fun of it which made Duncan upset to the point he ask what was the rest of are fears.

Trent said he hate mimes and we ask Courtney what is her biggest fear but she refuses to say it.

In the end we all headed back to are cabins to get some sleep.

No One Pov:

The next day roll around and Chris told everyone there next challenge which he like to called a game of phobia factor which is pretty much everyone is going to be facing there fears.

Cody Pov:

I froze when he said that. I am so not ready. Heather was going first and she is going to be facing sumo wrestlers and they were also going to be taking Gwen to the beach area so she was going to be buried alive.

Chef cook chicken for Tyler and boy he was not happy he ended up biting the head of the chicken before screaming. Beth worse fear came next.

She had to jump in a pool or warms but she did it.

I wasn't there threw some of other people fears due to me being worry about my own but I did see Leshawna run away from Chef who was dress head to toe in a spider costume and was able to watch Heather win her sumo wrestling challenge even though the dude just trip over her as she fell on the floor in fear.

We had to watch Gwen be buried alive and watch Trent be chase away by a mime. It then was my turn and I was not ready.

I had to deactivate a trash bomb under pressure and boy was I not ready for that. I try to Deactivate the bomb but it blew up and now trash is all over me. It was hot Garbage too. I couldn't see anything and I was in pain. I started calling out for help as I walk into a random direction.

I heard someone scream and ran away. I try calling out for them but they were gone and I ended up tripping over something.

Cody Mind: Ow that hurt

In the end I was able to get clean up and also got some burn cream for the burns that were left on me but the hot trash and by the explosion.

It was Courtney turn and she had to jump into a pool of green jelly. She hates green jelly which I really don't get after all its good.

And we ended up winning the challenge. I am so talking to Noah after this.

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