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Noeul has it bad, if him smiling idiotically to himself despite running a fever and having terrible colds is any indication. He's currently in Peat's dorm, curled up like a ball on the spare folding bed and shaking like a leaf.

He skipped school today which he already saw coming; he played in the rain like he doesn't have a newly installed heart and weakened immune system after all. But if you ask Noeul, it was well worth it.

When Peat comes into the room with a heater blanket to alleviate his chills, he sees Noeul's wistful expression and remarks, "Have you gone completely mad? What are you even daydreaming about in your condition?"

At this, Noeul attempts a chuckle but it quickly gets lost in his violent coughing. Peat hurriedly wraps him in the blanket, looking genuinely worried and scared. "Maybe we should call auntie. This could be serious, Noeul."

But Noeul grabs Peat's arm as he makes a move to fetch the phone and shakes his head weakly, eyes pleading. "I-I'm fine. I already called Dr. Korn and he gave me instructions. Please don't call mom, Peat. Please."

Peat resigns to his request, sighing defeatedly. "How did you even get this sick?" He asks and Noeul reminds him of the excuse he told his friend earlier, "I told you...it's the constantly changing weather."

He smiles timidly, guilt clawing at his throat. He wants to tell his best friend the truth and share just how happy and liberated he felt and...that he and Boss have gotten unexpectedly closer. But that's just the thing, Peat already didn't like Boss or at least, the idea of them being friends.

How would he feel if he were to find out they were together when Noeul decided to do something risky and rather stupid? Not happy is his guess.

"Message me anytime if you need to." Peat tells him as he hesitantly gets ready to leave for the class he's already late for.

Noeul bobs his head, getting a headache from the action but keeping his face from showing it. And before Peat makes it out of the door, Noeul pipes up, "Uh, Peat..."

The boy in question looks over his shoulder with a curious expression. "Hm? Do you need anything else?"

But at this, Noeul shakes his head and says softly, "Thank you."

Peat chuckles, thinking his friend silly. But then, he eventually smiles. "Get well, Noeul. I'll see you later."


Boss noticed that Noeul wasn't in his seat that morning. He thought perhaps the boy was just tardy today but when class started and Peat arrived late but on his own, Boss knew then that Noeul isn't coming.

When the lunch bell rings, the students all get up from their seats and start shuffling around the room noisily except for Boss who Fort notices then to be staring blankly at Noeul's chair.

Fort grins somewhat mischievously, nudging his friend. "Missing someone?" He teases to which Boss brushes him off quite literally.

"I was just wondering why it's so quiet today but now I know why." He mutters. Okay, perhaps he isn't ready to admit to others that he cares but admitting it to himself is a start.

Boss sighs and unconsciously muses, "Did he really get sick from playing in the rain?"

At this, Peat who had been purposefully ignoring them albeit overhearing their conversation suddenly whirls on his heel and asks, "What was that? Noeul? Playing in the rain?"

But Boss is just as surprised because he thought that if anyone, Peat would know. But then again, he recalls that one time when Noeul kept the fact that he was stranded in the old building's shower room a secret from his friend too.

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