Hate At First Sight

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He was one hair strand away from adding criminal to his list of derogatory nicknames. Thankfully, the victim's parents agreed to settle. It wasn't that hard; the moment they saw the thick bundle of cash being discreetly offered by Boss' mom, they agreed to whatever she said.

"You should've just let them throw me in jail." Boss mutters as they step into their home which is the last straw for his mom.

"I don't know what to do with you anymore!" She exclaims, more frustrated than angry. On one hand, she understands that he's grieving. But at the same time, she's a mother and it pains her to watch her son throw his life away.

"I've been going easy on you because I know you're hurting. But how far do you plan on taking this? Are you really trying to ruin your life?"

"It's already ruined!" Boss snaps back in a thunderous voice that makes his own mother shake like a leaf. He draws back, running a hand over his face. He hates the person he's become but he doesn't know whether he could ever be the same again.

"It doesn't matter anymore. Ple's dead." He utters brokenly. "I never even got to say goodbye and the things I last said to her..."

"Boss..." His mother tries to hold him, to ease his pain. But he brushes her off and tells her, "You won't understand so just leave me alone."

She watches helplessly as her son retreats back to his bedroom where he isolates himself from the rest of their family—and from the rest of the world.


"Peat, are you done yet?" Noeul has his phone pressed to his ear as he's out strolling on the school yard, glancing around for his friend.

"Not yet." Peat whispers. "My terror prof is going on overtime; I might be out late."

"Eh?" Noeul groans. "You said we'd check out the snack carts behind campus today." But he's only complaining for the sake of complaining. He perks up almost instantly and tells the other, "Oh well, what can you do? I'll wait for you then."

"Okay. Don't wander around too much, okay? Just wait for me at the cafeteria."

But Peat should've known that telling Noeul to go straight to their usual spot is like telling Little Red Riding Hood not to wander in the woods—and everyone knows how that story went.

Halfway to his destination and Noeul notices a very cozy spot off to the side of the yard that's shaded by a large tree. His lips part in amazement and he completely forgets about Peat's reminder.

It's only a tree and it's still within campus grounds; it can't possibly hurt to wait for him here, Noeul thinks to himself. But as a new kid, he has a lot to learn.

He takes a seat on the trimmed grass and pulls out a drawing pad and sketching pens from his backpack, oblivious to the weird glances he's getting from other students.

"Is he crazy?" One whispers. 

"I think that's the transfer student." The other replies to which the first girl shakes her head and remarks, "Tsk! Tsk! I feel sorry for him already."

Noeul is in the middle of sketching an outline of the landscape when a shadow looms over him, blocking the sunlight.

"Oh, you're here?" He says, thinking it's Peat. But not only does he hear a very unfamiliar voice but what this person says to him is also very rude. "Who told you that you can sit here? Get. Out." He orders. And that's him still being nice.

Noeul's head snaps up and he's met with his fierce gaze. His brows are furrowed and his lips are just slightly pulled down into a frown—a waste for such a handsome face if you ask Noeul.

Noeul glances around as if to make sure this boy is actually talking to him and once he's certain, he looks back up at him and asks, "Why? Is this area off-limits?"

"It is." Boss seethes.

"Says who?" Noeul presses and Boss finally snaps, grabbing Noeul by the collar and bringing him to his feet.

Others speed by, not wanting to get caught up in that while some stay and find a good spot to watch all hell break loose.

"Says me!" Boss grits through clenched teeth. "Now, get out or else!"

But he's also about to learn that Noeul, if anything, is stubborn. And now that he's gotten a taste of life out in the open world, he won't just give it up. 

He holds his ground and replies adamantly, "No."

It's been a while since someone last challenged Boss, since someone didn't just drop their gaze and scurry when he told them to. And Boss isn't sure how he feels about that but his default has always been to get angry.

He's especially possessive of this spot because he and Ple shared many wonderful moments here and so, Noeul nor Boss is willing to let up. The latter leans closer to Noeul and whispers into his ear, "You asked for it." Then he balls a fist and winds his arm back, preparing to strike.

And although Noeul talked—or at least, acted—pretty big, his only game plan is to screw his eyes shut and brace himself for impact.

Thankfully, it never came because Peat did. "Chaikamon!" He calls angrily and marches over to them, ripping Boss' hands from Noeul's collar albeit difficultly. "Must you resort to violence all the time?" He questions to which Boss retorts, "I wouldn't have to if your friend can be reasoned with."

He glares at Noeul who flashes him a dirty look right back.

"Reason?" Peat scoffs. "Noeul is new here. Of course, he wouldn't know about your reason."

"Then educate him!" Boss exclaims before dropping his tone and saying in a cold voice, "Or I will."

He then marches off, the crowd automatically clearing a path for him. Ever since Ple died and Boss went into his destructive phase, everyone has steered clear of him and no one has ever dared to go up against him—at least, not upfront.

But not anymore.

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