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"'s so cuuuute. Right, Peat?" Noeul gushes to his friend as they're walking side by side a day later after Noeul's garage date with Boss.

Peat side-eyes his friend, his lips twisting into a playful snarl. "Are you hearing yourself? You sound like a silly teenager with a crush." But at this, Noeul retorts, "I'm 19. I am a silly teenager with a crush. Hmp!"

Peat chuckles and remarks, "Smarty pants." He bumps Noeul's shoulder then pinches his shirt to steady him when the boy nearly topples over, clumsy. "So what did you guys do after you waited in their house? Noeul, don't tell me you two had se-"

"Peat! You're so dirty minded!" Noeul chides.

"What then?" Peat laughs. "You said you two almost kissed. He didn't try again?"

And he got an answer even before Noeul utters a word from the way the boy extends his lips in a pointy pout. But he's also quick to reason out on Boss' behalf. "I mean, his mom was there so how could he? He was being respectful."

"Tch!" Peat scoffs. "Are you sure he wasn't just gonna remove an eyelash from your face at the garage?"

"Ugh!" Noeul feigns taking offense or at least, he exaggerates. He did take some offense. "I'm not that naive. I know what kissing looks like." He mutters and Peat doesn't tease him further seeing as how he's almost blowing smoke out of his ears.

"Fine, fine. So did you meet his mom?"

"Uh, no because she was in the middle of an important call. But...she seemed nice."

Peat is skeptical what with the way Noeul is answering him but he already made a pact with himself that he won't hover and be overbearing like before. Plus Noeul changes the topic smoothly and turns the tables, cornering Peat this time.

"Enough about me. What was it like getting walked home by P'Fort?"

Peat gives him a weird look. "We walked together because we're headed the same way. That's not the same as getting walked home."

"But you liked it anyway." Noeul presses to which Peat's eyes widen scandalously but for some reason, he can't bring himself to deny it. Maybe deep down, he's been wanting to talk to Noeul about it but he didn't know where to start.

"So...I'm correct?" Noeul asks, no longer teasing but his tone is now inviting Peat to speak freely, no judgement.

Peat purses his lips initially then sighs. "Fine, you're right. Ugh! I'm so annoyed with myself."

Noeul chuckles, "Why? P'Fort is a catch too; he's nice and handsome. Of course, Chaikamon is more handsome in my eyes but he's not bad too."

Peat shakes his head with a smile. Sometimes, he envies Noeul and the way he wears his heart on his sleeve. He can be cheesy and annoying but still, it must be nice to be able to say how you feel.

"He is great." Peat says, voice suddenly quiet. "But that's why it's annoying. I'm usually confident but with him, I can feel that I'm lacking in many ways. I've never dated either or know how to act in these kinds of situations."

Noeul's eyes visibly drooped, resembling a sad puppy. But Peat quickly shoots him a playful glare and tells him ahead, "Before you jump to conclusions, this has nothing to do with you. I'm just...not datable. 

"Unlike you, I'm not fun or affectionate. I don't express myself well and very few people can tolerate my sarcasm. As a matter of fact, I can narrow that down to...just you." Peat sighs. "Who would want to date me?"

"Uh, P'Fort does." Noeul points out. He clings to Peat's arm and shakes him eagerly. "He likes you, Peat. And why should you be like me? He obviously likes you for you and you know what? So do I. Sarcasm and being strict is your love language and I wouldn't change you even if I could."

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