Finish Line

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The longest few days passed and although Boss wanted nothing more than to see Noeul, he never once forced him out but only assured him through a single message each day that he was patiently waiting.

When classes resume, Boss unprecedentedly arrives early in school, expecting to see Noeul in his usual spot with that bright smile on his face that rivals the goddamn sun.

But to his disappointment, all the students have already filed in including Peat who came on the dot, not leaving much room for Boss to talk to him before class starts, and Noeul's still nowhere to be seen.

Somehow, Boss expected this. A few days isn't enough to process this situation; even he took a while to get back to normal—and even then, he was never really the same. But deep down, he hoped Noeul would be here and that he'd finally be ready to talk to him.

That isn't the case, unfortunately.

Come lunch time, Boss doesn't even hear the bell, staring out the window into space as though he could see Noeul there. He only snaps back to reality when he hears Fort calling his name. And when his eyes flick up, he finds Peat standing there too.

"We already knew this would happen." Peat chides and yet his eyes look concerned. "Don't get discouraged."

At this, Boss flashes a pursed smile and nods. "I won't." He says with conviction but at the same time, evident fear in his voice. After all, it's not up to him.

"Let's go grab lunch?" Fort suggests at this point to which Boss politely refuses, "You two go ahead. I just need to take a walk."

"You sure you'll be okay?" Fort asks and after expelling a sigh, Boss replies, "Yeah. I'll see you guys later."

Boss doesn't really have a plan in mind. He just knows being in that classroom without Noeul turning in his chair to pester him didn't feel right. It makes him think back to the time he skipped classes to avoid the boy; Noeul must've felt the same way he's feeling now—or even worse.

Noeul didn't deserve that and he didn't deserve to find out about his heart the way that he did. Boss wants to apologize profusely but he also wants to give Noeul the space that he needs. These are the thoughts that fill Boss' head as he walks around campus aimlessly only to find that his feet have taken him to the old school building which surprisingly held fond memories.

This is where he found Noeul that night after Stop and his friends pulled a mean prank on him. Boss remembers running to this place despite "hating" Noeul back then. His heart was pounding because he was scared the boy had frozen to death. But by the end of the night, his racing heart was due to Noeul thanking him and hitting him with those ridiculously mesmerizing doe eyes.

What can he say? He fell in love earlier than he was willing to admit. He was captivated by a boy who was stubborn and feisty but also pure-hearted and sincere—a deadly combo.

Looking at it now, he doesn't know how he ever doubted his feelings for him. He and Ple weren't the same to begin with and the things that drew him to Noeul wasn't his similarities to her but his qualities that were unique to him.

He wished he knew it sooner. He wished he told Noeul the truth when he found out and assured him of his feelings; that way, they could've processed it together. But what's the point of thinking about that now?

He slowly walks away from the building, deciding he wants to visit the other spots in campus where he shared moments with Noeul, whether good or bad. The tree was next, a place that held more memories with Ple than Noeul and yet that fateful day when he saw the boy sitting there stands out.

He still can't believe he almost punched Noeul; he was a different person back then.

The library only reminds Boss of his regrets; hiding from Noeul, hurting his feelings then walking out on him, knowing full well Noeul was confused and crying. Asshole, Boss curses at himself.

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