Summer Romance

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After Noeul got discharged, he experienced many new firsts. For the first time, his mom conceded and let him continue going to school with Peat just as he wished. For the first time, he took exams in a classroom filled with students suffering from the same mind-boggling trick questions. For the first time, Peat asked him if he could go out with his friends from that class he doesn't share with Noeul to celebrate surviving their terror professor to which Noeul pretended to pout for a second but then smiled and happily gave him permission.

And today is the first day of Noeul's first real summer break and he's spending it by going on his first bicycle ride, sitting prettily at the back with his arms wrapped around Boss' waist as the latter maneuvers the bike in the winding roads of their town.

The weather is perfect, sunny with a cool breeze which is rare in a country that's mostly scorching hot. It's almost as if the gods are on Noeul's side, giving him the perfect conditions for this unofficial date.

He was pleasantly surprised when on the last day of class, Boss came over to his desk and asked if he ever rode on a bicycle. Of course...not. Noeul barely had a childhood and his mom used to forbid anything that might get him in an accident no matter how small.

But now, not only did his mom allow him to ride a bike but Boss is even the one taking him around in it. It's like a dream.

Yeah, yeah, Noeul knows this may not mean anything and Boss may not have a "crush" on him too—the word 'crush' being an understatement with the way Noeul's chest wilds each time they're together. But he's okay with this...for now.

He likes their subtle closeness; it feels intimate because they don't have to overly flaunt it to others. He likes Boss' low-key ways of asking to meet up and the skinship that they both pretend to be nonchalant about.

Just like earlier that day, it was Boss who told him to wrap his arms around his waist because simply clutching his shirt won't hold once they're going downhill but when Noeul actually did, he noted how Boss' back muscles tensed before he released the tension by clearing his throat. And Noeul had to hold back a giggle and shake himself awake so he doesn't go full on delusional, thinking Boss likes him too.

But sometimes, it's so hard not to assume especially when Boss chose to spend this day with Noeul instead of resting at home and when he hears the rare sound of Boss' laughter after Noeul squeaked when the bike's wheel hit a rock and made the bicycle jump slightly. And even more so, when Boss tells him, "I got you. Trust me."

So can anyone blame him if he's falling faster than this bike is speeding downhill? Noeul expels a soft sigh, letting go of his thoughts and taking one last liberty which Boss doesn't reject. He rests his cheek on Boss' back as the wind blows on his face and he laughs nervously because of how fast they're going but, as a matter of fact, he's never felt more safe.

They stop at a mini mart once they reach the bottom of the slope and while Noeul sits outside at a table specifically for customers, Boss buys some drinks and a small snack for Noeul. When he comes back, he joins Noeul at the table, sitting across him instead of beside which Noeul is low-key disappointed about but only fleetingly.

"Where are we?" Noeul asks, peeling the case of his mung bean bun and taking a bite of it.

"Near my house." Boss replies casually, oblivious to the way Noeul almost chokes.

What? Were they heading to his house this whole time?

"This is mainly where I spent my childhood, riding a bike around this area with Fort."

"Oh." Noeul hums. Now that Boss mentioned it, he glances around, taking in his surroundings. He didn't live too far from here and yet he's never been. It's a nice little place close to the main road leading to bigger cities but albeit complete with stores and a gas station, it's still pretty quiet here. "It's nice."

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