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Peat noticed something the previous night when he and Fort finally found Noeul...with Boss?! He noticed the two were walking within normal proximity to each other as opposed to the usual distance they put between themselves. He noticed that Boss rolled his eyes and muttered something inaudible but he didn't actually seem upset and Noeul just chuckled at the other's reactions. He noticed that Noeul's expression upon seeing the two of them was that of when he knows he did something Peat told him not to do.

And most importantly, he noticed that Noeul's gym clothes weren't his gym clothes; it's easy to tell given how it's practically eating him alive.

When the four of them met halfway, Noeul instantly piped up with a noticeably high pitched voice. "P-Peat, what are you doing here? I thought you were sick."

"I am." Peat replied sternly then chided, "Why weren't you answering your phone?"

Noeul rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and replied, "Oh, uh, I ran out of battery. Sorry."

Peat didn't miss the way they exchanged glances either as if keeping a secret between them and his suspicion grew when Fort asked Boss, "Weren't you heading back to the dorm? How did you-"

"I just chanced upon him, loitering around."

Peat narrowed his eyes, unconvinced, but didn't say anything.


Later that evening back at Noeul's house, Peat continues to watch him with suspicious eyes. Noeul is now in his own clothes while carefully slipping his clothes from earlier into a laundry bag to be sent to the dry cleaners.

Peat rolls his eyes, sighing. Then he finally speaks up. "Noeul, c'mere."

"Hm?" Noeul pretends he didn't hear only because he knows he'll get interrogated and he'll try anything just to put it off for even just a few seconds more. He then brings a glass of water to his lips as his throat suddenly feels dry.

But knowing this, Peat cuts to the chase and just asks him directly, "Did you sleep with Chaikamon?"

At this, Noeul involuntarily spits his drink and coughs violently after which he wheezes, "Why would you think that?"

"And why wouldn't I?" Peat retorts. "You both skipped evening class, you weren't replying the whole time and you came back wearing his clothes. How do you think that looks?"

Noeul looks to be in disbelief while at the same time, considering it. He supposes it isn't hard to misunderstand especially since he didn't tell Peat what really happened. Still, he defends himself by saying, "I just had a bit of an accident and had to borrow his clothes 'cause mine got dirty. Just last week, we were practically enemies. Why would we have sex out of the blue?" Noeul whispers towards the end just in case his mom is on her way up.

Peat shrugs. "Honestly, you're so unpredictable that it won't even surprise me if you did."

"Ugh!" Noeul gasps, pretending to take offense. He picks up a biscuit from their tea tray and throws it at his friend who then laughs. But Peat quickly recomposes himself and tells the other, "But seriously, Noeul, you should be mindful. If it had been anyone else who had seen you, they would've definitely spread rumors. Also..."

"Also?" Noeul parrots.

"Also, I'm serious about what I said to you—about steering clear of Chaikamon."

Noeul's throat goes dry at that because deep down, he knows he doesn't want to. But he lets the other finish without arguing.

"I haven't forgotten how he nearly knocked your lights out the first time you met. And although I sympathize with his situation, I still can't trust him with you."

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