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Boss punches the buttons of the arcade machine aggressively as he inwardly scolds himself. Even if they have similar habits and even if it was just for a second, how dare that Noeul brat remind him of Ple?

The game ends with him getting killed off and Boss has half a mind to smash this stupid machine to pieces but he can't afford another visit to the police station. Instead, he rakes a hand through his hair, undoing the bun, right before tying it up again.

Forget it, he tells himself. At least, he'll never see that cheeky boy at his and Ple's spot again and that's good enough.


Meanwhile, Noeul is heading towards the cafeteria where he promised to wait for Peat until the latter's last class is over. On his way there, he gets distracted when he receives a bunch of messages from his mom.

Are you alright, son?

Is Peat there with you?

Why aren't you replying?

Noeul sighs but hurriedly types a reply anyway before his mother decides to call the school just because she hasn't heard from him in a few minutes.

I'm fine, ma. Peat's already on his way to meet me at the cafeteria.

But just as you shouldn't text and drive, one also shouldn't text and walk. Because just then, he collides with another student who is now wearing his soda on his pristine white school shirt.

Noeul's eyes widen in horror and he apologizes profusely. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry." And when he lifts his face, he sees a rather intimidating looking senior. He seems quite pissed and Noeul's thinking that this will turn out just like that incident with Khun Chaikamon.

But he's pleasantly surprised when the senior pipes up, "Hey, it's cool. No harm done, right, guys?" His friends have a somewhat delayed reaction but they eventually agree.

"Are you sure?" Noeul asks. "I can have it dry cleaned; you probably need that for tomorrow."

But to this, the senior tells him, "Actually, tomorrow is casual day in this school so that won't be necessary."

Noeul briefly ponders on this and thinks aloud, "But I never read that in the school booklet."

A phantom snarl appears on the other student's face but only for a fleeting moment before he plasters on a friendly grin once more and says aloud, "It's an unspoken rule. The school implements a casual/laundry day in the middle of the week to give consideration to those who can't afford more than one set of school uniform."

"Oh." Noeul nods, supposing that makes sense especially since no one around them in that packed cafeteria begged to differ. "I see. Thanks for telling me!" He chirps.

"No problem. And you can call me Phi Stop by the way."

When Peat arrived, Stop and his crew had long left. Currently, Noeul is sitting by himself at a table and Peat joins him, slumping down on a chair across from his friend.

Noeul meant to ask him about this casual day but it slips his mind the moment he sees Peat's disheartened posture. "What's wrong?"

Peat leans over the table, his eyes lazily flicking up to Noeul. "My professor is killing me. Why did I have to get him for this particular subject?"

"That bad?" Noeul asks to which Peat replies, "I don't think I'll make it through the semester."

Noeul pats his friend's arm comfortingly, completely forgetting to ask Peat to verify the information he got from Stop.

So, of course, when he arrives in school the next day, he's the only one dressed casually. And of course, the teacher gives him an earful for not wearing the proper attire.

Peat slaps a hand on his forehead, realizing his naive friend went around making it obvious again. But of course, he knows it's not exactly Noeul's fault.

"How come nobody told me the truth? There were so many students there." Noeul mutters sulkily. He and Peat are walking around campus at noon, trying to find a place to eat as Noeul refuses to go back to the cafeteria wherein he felt ganged up on by everyone.

Peat sighs and tells him straight, "Because they want to see if you'll take the bait." At this, Noeul pouts even more and his friend suddenly feels bad for being too blunt. "And...probably also 'cause they're afraid of Stop." He adds which is also true.

"Is he really scary?" Noeul asks.

And Peat's reply is a firm, "Yes. He's cunning as you now know and although he isn't really that strong, he has a lot of minions. They scare people off with their number and Stop is known to never fight fair."

This time, it's Noeul that lets out a sigh. "Blending in is so much harder than I thought." He thinks aloud.

Feeling bad for his friend, Peat nudges him on his side and says, "Forget that. He does that to all the new kids; just steer clear of him from now on." But to this, Noeul questions, "How is regular school any different from homeschool if I have to steer clear of everyone?"

"Not everyone." Peat expounds. "But you shouldn't be so trusting right off the bat. Not everyone is genuine and transparent like you, Noeul. So learn to take things with a grain of salt."

If you ask Noeul, that's a lot to take in. He isn't exactly the master of discerning people since he hardly mingled with others when he was younger. But he wanted this; he wanted to see the world and experience what it has to offer.

He made the bed; now he must lie in it.

"C'mon!" Peat pipes up once he sees his friend spiraling a bit. "There's a cute coffee shop around here and they serve your favorite! Let's go! Let's go!"


"There you are!" Fort exclaims, entering the cafe. "You finally came out of your cave to meet me. I'm quite moved."

Boss gives him a bored look and says as Fort takes a seat across him, "And I'm starting to regret it." He makes a move to leave but Fort raises both hands, stopping him. "Wa-wa-wait! We just got here, c'mon."

"Just cut to the chase. What did you call me out for?"

"Because I wanted to see my best friend, of course!" Fort replies but the other quirks a knowing brow at him and he finally admits, "Fine, your mom put up to it; she's really worried about you. But I also really want to catch up with you too, man. It's been a while."

Boss knows that Fort is being sincere but that doesn't change the fact. "There's nothing to catch up on. As you can see, I'm still the same as a year ago and if I'm being honest, I don't see that changing anytime soon."

"Okay, I'm not here to push you." Fort tells him. "All I ask is that you don't isolate yourself too much. You're not alone, man. We're all here for you."

Boss has heard this many times from his mom, friends and even his therapist. But for some reason, nothing helps. And albeit unintentionally, he always kind of zones out somewhere down the line.

But at that very moment, all his senses are awakened by something he hears from behind.

"I'd like a Freddo Espresso." Says a young man to the barista. "Without sugar please. Oh, and I prefer the milk cubes."

Boss' head snaps up and he's struck with a memory of Ple and himself at a coffee shop back in highschool.

"Iced Americano for me and you?"

Ple scrunches her nose at the menu and approaches the counter. "I'd like a Freddo Espresso please but, um, could you omit the sugar and I heard we can request milk cubes instead of regular ice?"

Boss gives her a look that's practically asking 'seriously' but at the same time, he has on an adoring smile.

When he comes to, it's on the account of the chimes ringing after the person who ordered the Freddo just left. Boss shoots up from his seat and rushes outside to follow him, ignoring Fort's calls.

His heart is pounding as he's giving chase and when he finally catches up, he grabs him by the wrist, spinning him around and—against all reason—calling him, "Ple?"

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