This Means War

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But the person who stands in front of him—and whose hand he's holding tightly—isn't Ple but Noeul.

"K-khun Chaikamon?" It comes off more like a question and Noeul looks understandably puzzled. But so does Boss. His eyes travel to the cup of coffee in Noeul's hand.

Ple practically invented this drink because no one ever requested milk cubes in a Freddo before her and so after she passed, no one ordered this particular combo again. So why is someone suddenly going against the status quo and why is it always him?

"Who's Ple?" Noeul then asks to which Peat nudges him on his rib and discreetly shakes his head.

Obviously, Boss feels embarrassed but more than that, he's heartbroken. Because it's as if everything around him lately reminds him of Ple—and that she's gone. Everywhere he goes, only her memories remain. And every time he thinks she's there, it's never actually her. Instead, it's always Noeul.

And that fact makes Boss seethe and act hostile towards the boy once again.

"Didn't I tell you I don't wanna see you lurking around?" He snaps at an unassuming Noeul who timidly argues, "But you only said not to lurk around the tree."

At this point, Fort arrives in time to hear his friend raising his voice. "I meant I don't wanna see you anywhere!"

"Hey, Boss, relax." Fort tries mediating although he has no idea what's going on.

But Boss can't relax. "Don't come to this cafe again. And this..." He grabs the Freddo from Noeul and exclaims, "Don't order this!"

"You're crossing the line, Chaikamon." Peat remarks but if he's only just about ready to snap, Noeul has already reached his limit.

"Don't do this. Don't do that. Why don't you just write a list?!" He barks up at the taller male who is now giving him a 'how dare you' kind of look. Then he plants a hand on his waist and uses the other one to point at Noeul with the drink still in his hand.

"Maybe I will." He claps back. "And you better do as I say in that damn list!"

"Why should I???"

Peat and Fort are now both just wordlessly watching the exchange, their eyes darting from one party to the other and back; it's honestly exhausting.

"Ha!" Boss scoffs—rather uncharacteristically. "Only recently, you were apologizing to me and acting like a harmless puppy. Look at you now!" 

Fort isn't sure what to make of it as Boss currently appears so pressed that he's saying more words than he has for the past whole year but at the same time, it's somewhat refreshing. He's...acting like a person again.

But of course, Noeul doesn't see it that way. He pouts defiantly and tells Boss, "That was back when I thought you were reasonable! But not anymore! Why should I let you tell me what to do and what not to? You're not the boss of me!"

"Are you done?" Boss asks but to this, Noeul replies with, "No, and what did you say? You don't want to see me anywhere? Then stop coming to school! You don't come to class anyway!"

Now, Boss is really pissed and amazed in the worst way. Just who does this little shit think he is? Coming to his school and tainting all of the places that hold precious memories of Ple with his entitlement?

No, Boss won't allow it.

He smirks—the closest to a smile he's ever shown in almost a year. Then he steps closer—perhaps too close for comfort—to Noeul, making their height difference evident and staring the other down.

Noeul keeps a stubborn face but there's no denying that he indeed feels intimidated; his quivering pupils and the way he bites down on his lower lip is a dead giveaway.

It's because he isn't normally a confrontational person and it doesn't help that Boss has the most piercing eyes that gives Noeul the chills. And although he tries not to let it show, Boss can see right through him.

"Is that what you want?" Boss asks in a low and sarcastic voice. "If that's the case, then I'll come to school. Every. Fucking. Day. I'll even attend class. Let's see who backs down first."

At this, Noeul swallows thickly and Boss' eyes briefly flick down to his throat and catch the movement. Regardless, Noeul grits through his teeth albeit shakily, "Fine. I'll see you in class then, Chaikamon."


After Peat successfully drags Noeul away and brings him to a "safe" place where he and Boss can't bicker any further, he questions the still seething albeit small and non-threatening (at all) male. "Are you crazy?" Peat hisses. "You really want to get punched, don't you? Is this some kind of thirst for some extreme experience or something?"

But he's taken aback when he hears Noeul sniffling and when he tries to take a closer look, Noeul hides his face which just proves it—he's crying.

"Oi, w-why are you- did I say something?" Peat sputters, panicking a bit.

But at this, Noeul half-mumbles, "How dare you? I waited so long to live this life but then, what? I can't do this, I can't do that. It's not like I killed your girlfriend!"

Peat realizes then that Noeul isn't talking to him but Boss even though he's not around anymore. It appears he isn't over it yet and, being his close friend who had seen Noeul growing up in the confines of four walls, he understands his friend's strong reaction.

"I was going to be nice to you." Noeul mutters, still ranting at an imaginary version of Boss. "Because you have a sad past. But it's not like you're the only one." Then, he wipes his face and his stubborn expression returns with a vengeance. "I don't care anymore. To each his own!"

At his friend's declaration, Peat can't help but worry. On one hand, there's Boss who will protect his late lover's memories at all cost. And on the other, there's Noeul who wouldn't trade his newfound freedom for anything—not even the promise of a smooth-sailing and peaceful college life.

With both parties not backing down, this can only mean one thing—WAR.

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