CHAPTER 17: Madness

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I didn't even get a chance to look back when it happened.


"AAAAHHHHHHHH" I let out a blood curtailing scream as Two dislocated my shoulder(a good way to start off a chapter).
I fell onto my knees, tears fell from my eyes. God dammit, I can't die.

Not now...

Two grabbed my other shoulder, I looked back and saw as Two levitated a large blade with their powers.

The power we were competing for.

Two began lowering it down to my shoulder, ready to cut it off. Everything became quiet, I couldn't hear a thing.

"Oh hell no" was all I heard.

As the blade began to cut through my skin, I felt it getting tossed away along with a beach chair. I looked to my left and saw it flying away like a frisbee.
This caught Two off guard which gave the person the chance to save me.

I look up and saw that it was Trophy, he help me up as we ran to the hotel.
Just in time for OJ to burst open the door, "what the hell is going on out here!?" He loudly asked, the moment he saw me and Trophy running back he knew something was off.

He ushered the Cherries inside while holding the door open for Trophy and I to get in.

Unfortunately that didn't happen, Two caught up to us and with shove. Separated me and Trophy, I fell and rolled away from the impact.

Landing on my dislocated arm, I screeched in pain. Everything hurts, I felt like I couldn't move.

I opened my eyes and saw Two approach me, behind him was a knocked out Trophy on the ground.

I struggled to get up as Two started to get closer.

I want to live ... some one just stop this madness..! Please...

Tears flowed down my face, I refused to end like this. I started to back away from them, I was determined and scared.

But that's when a knife was lodged into the side of Two's head. I looked over, it was Knife!!(lol) he was the one who threw the kitchen knife. But it didn't seemed to affect Two all that much.

They just stop from where they were standing after the knife was lodged into its head. They just stood there for awhile, I backed away and slowly got up.

I was going to run back to the hotel, but then without hesitation. Two pulled out the knife from the side of their head.

From what I think was algebralien(is that way their called??) blood dripping from the knife.

Two examined the knife for a small while, before throwing it back over to the hotel. By the sound of it it seemed like it hit someone.

I just don't know who.

Two turned back to me,  holding out their arm. The same green aura wrapped around me.

I was levitated into the air, before being forcefully thrown at the hotel walls.
I ended up hitting the hard wall, I might've left a crack in it.

I looked up and saw Two charging at me, the feeling of deja vu hit me.

I blinked twice, and I came back to that moment. That very moment where I was saved, by Nickel.

When I saw Fanny's corpse. The blade coming towards me, is this the end for me?

My eyes widen seeing how close Two was, oh no...
I immediately shut my eyes and embrace for impacted.
But it didn't happen again, I was immediately shoved out of the way by someone.

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