CHAPTER 6: Children

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I woke up from a beam of light hitting my eyes. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, I got off the bed and grabbed my cardigan off of the door hook.
I placed it on before exiting the infirmary.
I walked down the hallway, waving at people walking past me.
I was half way down the stairs, when I felt something tangle around my ankle.
I lost my footing and fell down the stairs, hitting the lobby floor.

I held my head as I slowly got up from the floor. I felt something in my hand, I brought it up near my face.


Suddenly, I felt a liquidity substance fall onto me. I heard gasp coming from all sides of the lobby. It all happened so fast, I didn't have time to react.

"Oh shoot!" A young voice came from the left.
"We got the wrong one Cherri" another similar young voice come from the left as well.
Soon, two kids appeared infront of me. I could tell they were twins since they look identical,
Red hair and same outfit. Soap soon entered the lobby from the kitchen and saw the mess.

"CHERRIES!!" She called out to the twins, angrily marched over to them.

"I just cleaned up and look what you've done to Cake!! Apologies to him, them clean up the mess you made!"

"Ok mama Soap, we're sorry Mr.Cake" they apologized. I couldn't get mad at them, they're so adorable!

"It's ok Cherries" I smiled at them. Soap sighed and walked over to us, then the Cherries ran off to the outside. "I'm sorry about them Cake, they play pranks around the hotel all the time"

"It's ok, really Soap"

She smiled at me, then asked if I could watch the Cherries for awhile since she still has so much to do. I happily agreed.
She handed me a towel to clean off the blue paint spilled on me.

After I got most of it off (unfortunately my cardigan was stained pretty bad), I went out side to find the Cherries. Cherry and Cherri, I don't get the difference but I'm not the one to judge people's names.
I saw them along with three other people. I headed towards them, they noticed me and ran up to me.

"Hello Mr. Cake, we're every sorry about the prank we pulled. It was supposed to me for big brother" one of the Cherries says, pointing over to the golden hair boy.

"It's alright, Soap told me to watch the two of you. So can you tell me your names"

"I'm Cherry"

"And I'm Cherri, we have a way to tell us apart"

The Cherries showed their wrist, one had a Red bracelet while the other one had a blue one.
"Cherri has the red bracelet and I have the blue one" Cherry explained.

"That's nice to know" I say, they smiled and ran off. "Please don't go too far!" I yelled out to them "WE WON'T" they yelled back as they ran off. I got every worried, so I ran after them.

We ended up walking in the forest. I was behind the curious Cherries, as they continued to wonder around. Every time I took my eyes off them they seem to get further and further, I ended up running after them to keep a close eye.
I almost lost them at some point, but I soon found them in a flower field.

"Please don't run off like that" I said, as I sat next to them.

"We're sorry again Mr.Cake" Cherri apologize and Cherry nodded, agree with his twin.

"It's all right, just tell me when you kids want to leave" I said and they nodded in response.
I watched as they made flower crowns with various flowers, they even gave me one. Awww, my flower crown contained yellow and pink flowers. They're so adorable my heart can't take it! Soon they were playing tag.
They were chasing eachother around the field, I played with them for a bit but I got tired.
Soon their game of tag went a little to far, they ran into the forest.
I noticed that and ran after the Cherries.
"Cherries!" I called out for them, "this isn't funny, come out please" I pleaded for them. I continued walking through the forest, calling their names.

"We're over here!" They called out, I followed their voices and soon found them infront of something. I got closer and saw what the object was, and Cherry was gonna touch it!
I immediately pulled them away, "don't touch that, it's a dangerous item!" I told them.
They look at me then the blade "okay" they muttered out.

Then someone came out of the woods.

"There you guys are, y'know how worried Soap and I were" it was the golden hair boy.
"Big brother Trophy!!" The twins yelled out and ran over to him.
He then saw the large blade sticking out of the tree "what the f-"

"No swearing infront of kids!" I told him before he could finished his sentence.
"I should show this to Soap or TestTube" he let go of the Cherries and took out his phone.
He walked over to the blade and touched it before I could warn him. He welp out and backed away, his finger in his mouth. He took it out and looked down. "Damn, this is a sharp blade touch it once and blood draws out of you" he mentioned. Trophy took a picture of the blade and from what I can tell, he send the pictures to someone.

"We should go now" he says before walking off.
I couldn't help but stare at the blade, sweat dripped off my face. I remember...

I remember seeing Nickel getting-

I clutched my head, it's hurts so much. I felt someone tugged on my shirt. I looked down and saw Cherry. "Are you ok Mr.Cake?" They asked. I weakly smile, "y-yeah, I'm alright" I lied, I could see worry in their eyes.

(Time Skip)

I was sitting on the infirmary bed, my head was pounding. I could get it out of my head... The image of him makes me want to puke. If only I had grabbed him in time and pulled him through the portal myself, maybe he would still be alive...

I heard the sound of knocking "come in!" I called out. At the door stood Soap and the Cherries.

"Hey Cake, the Cherries and I wanted to bring you dinner" Soap said.

"We helped mama Soap make it!" Cherri mentioned "I hoped you like it" Cherry finished his twin sentence. I couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you"

The three of their entered the infirmary, Soap placed the tray of food on the counter while the Cherries handed me a drink. I swear this is the cutest thing they have ever done🥺.
I took a sip out of the mug, it was chocolate milk. I smiled and thanked them again.

Then Salt burst into the room.

"CAKEY ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" she yelled and ran over to me with pepper behind her.
"Salty Salt!" Pepper called out.

Salt tackled me and almost made me drop my drink.

"I'm fine Salt, really I am" I reassured her. But she didn't let go.

All of them here reminded me of my team, being happy bunch of contestants having fun.

"Salt let go! I'm alright!! Please let go your starting to suffocate me!!"

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