CHAPTER 15: overtime

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I walked downstairs and entered the kitchen. I grabbed some food and two drinks out of the fridge, "Hey Pepper" I heard someone called my name.
I turned to see Cake and Salt at the entrance of the kitchen waving to me. "Hey~ how are you two doing?" I waved back to them "we're doing well, Cake and I were like making fashion designs, we just came here for a snack, wanna like join us?" Salt offered.

"Sorry girls, I'm actually heading somewhere, I'll like, join you two later" I say. They nodded, grabbing snacks from the pantry before leaving. I closed the fridge door and left the hotel.

It's a little chilly today.

I walked over to the red vending machine and imported a code from the side.
A hole soon opened, I got inside and slide down into TestTube's labe.

As her girlfriend I get some special privileges at her lab.

I notice TestTube slumped down at a desk, laying her head in her arms. I walked over to her and placed the food on her desk which caught her attention.

"Hey Testy~" I greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Pepper, thanks for the food again..." She said tiredly, grabbing the food and drink.

"How long have I been in here for?" She wondered out loud.
"A week since the last time you came out" a answered her question "and girl, you reek, you need to take a shower today whether you like it or not" I demanded.

"Yeah your right, I've just-"

"Been busy working on Nickel's thingamabob" I finished her sentence. "Testy, I'm worried about you, Bot is worried about you, Fan, Paintbrush, and lightbulb are worried about you. OJ even has a better sleep schedule then you at times, and I can't believe I just said that"

"Heh, your right, I should head back to the hotel soon and I promise you I will not-"

"TestTube, I don't know how long we've been dating for-"

"A year and nine months" TestTube interrupted my statement.

"Yeah yeah whatever, I know whenever you put your hair up in a bun and start sticking pens and pencils in there is when you are fixated on something. So remove THAT bun and free those poor pens and pencils"

TestTube just stood and stared at me in shocked, before bursting out in laughter.

"Wha- what's so funny!?"

"Golly, I'm sorry it's just that I find funny that you notice a hobby that I do that I never noticed. No wonder I why I keep losing pens and pencils" she said laughing through her sentence.

It made me giggle a bit as well.

"Well I like have a keen eye for those things" I bragged which made TestTube and I laugh a little more.

"Ok ok, all jokes aside. Finish your food and let's leave this mess"


"Sorry test, I meant your lab... Which is messy and dirty, when was the last time you cleaned this place?" I asked, opening my can of soda.

"Well that's another thing I don't know..." She joked as she continued to eat her food.

Once she was done, I headed for the exit with TestTube following behind.
We left the lab and headed for the hotel, once we got inside we headed for TestTube's room.
Being greeted by her friends along the way of course.

We got inside TestTube's room and I immediately pushed her into the bathroom, grabbing a change of clothes for her once she's in there.
TestTube shut the door and started her shower.

I waited on the bed for her, fidget with my sleeves and laying on the bed. I looked at her desk, I noticed that she kept something when we talked for the first time.

I went over to it and picked up the item and smiled, reminiscing that eventful day

I heard someone knocking at the door, then a little creak. I looked over and saw Bot peaking through the doorway, they noticed me in the room.

"Oh um- hello Pepper" they say, finally walking in the room.

"Hey Bot, what brings you here?" I asked the white hair kid.

"That was weird" they bluntly said.

"What's weird?" I asked them.

"The way you talk, you always add the word 'like' in each of your sentences. But you aren't doing it, why?" They asked, "well I do talk like that often don't I".

"Why do you do it?"

"I like, don't need a reason to like, talk like this" I say in my average voice.

"There's the voice I know" they laughed, I just rolled my eyes in response.

"What are you doing here anyways?" I asked Bot.

"Oh, I was wondering if TestTube was in here or is she still at her lab" they asked.

"She's here, she's just taking a shower. Did you need anything from her?" I said, sitting back on her bed.

"I just wanted to show her something, nothing too big" they said walking over to me.
Then TestTube left the bathroom with something under her arm.

"C'mon TestTube, you brought that?" I complained realizing what that thing was.

"Well yeah, I need still need to-"

"Whateve~ just get over here your child wants to show you something" I say, pointing over to them

"Oh hey Bot, sorry I haven't been out the lab in awhile" TestTube apologized and patted their head.

"It's alright, I know you've been trying to figure the mystery behind Nickel. Here" Bot handed her a piece of paper.

" You drew me, Pepper and Fan together! Aww..." TestTube said "lemme see" I walked over to to check out the drawing.

"Huh, I thought you hated me?" I said.

"I do a bit, but your a mum's girlfriend so I'll tolerate you" they said with annoyance in their voice. Puffing their cheeks and looking away.

"I'll take it" . I looked at the clock in there room, 9:10 pm?

"I'm gonna leave now, good luck on Nickel's thingamabob" I say waving goodbye and leaving the room.

I walked down the stairs to the floor under, I knock on the door and Salt opens it.

"Pepper! You came just in time, Cake was just about to show me how to use your sewing machine, come on in" she says. Moving aside, I walk inside and waved at Cake who sat at my desk.

He waved back and I spent the rest of my day, rating outfits Salt and Cake made.

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