CHAPTER 9: memories

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TestTube called everyone to the lobby. In her hands held a helmet with weird machinery on it. Fan brought over a chair and sat the new person, Cake, on it.

I couldn't help but glare at him, how does he know who Nickel is..? I don't know why I dislike him already, I hardly even knew the guy.

TestTube faked coughed to get out attention to her and Fan.

"I know your wondering why I called everyone here" She stated, we were already here to begin with. "Well we are finally gonna get answers to Cake's problem. As most of you know, Cake arrived here badly injured and almost was near deaths door"

My eyes widen, I turned to Cake and I finally noticed the bandages on him. I guess not getting enough sleep does stuff to yourself.
Cake noticed me looking and turned the other way, I guess he was intimated by me.

"This machinery I have in my hands is a device that lets us look through someone's memories. And yes OJ, it is safe to use I had a guinea pig" she remarked and looked at Fan. He just waved at us.

I wonder why TestTube didn't do this in the first place? TestTube placed the helmet on Cake and began to plugg the wires attached to it in the TV. Then TestTube and Fan walked over to us, TestTube held a remote in the air.

"Are you ready Cake?" She asked the timid male. He nodded in response, then she pressed the button, he passed out and the TV turned on.

The first memory that played showed two people telling him that they weren't even friends and that they only hung out cause of this guy named loser, that must of hurt.
Then two people invited him to join their team, which he accepts.
Then others joined one by one, then a girl with duel color hair pulled someone over. I couldn't believe my eyes, it was Nickel! The duel hair girl acted like they were friends for years, it got my blood boiling and I don't know why? What is this feeling...

TestTube fast forward to the next memory played. The screen immediately show Nickel, he looked so cute. He turned to the screen and greeted Cake. They talked, I noticed Nickel jump every time the other Bomb got mad at the duel hair girl.
Then Cake and Nickel got up and confronted and bushy green hair male along side a someone with a paper mask. As the scene played, I noticed something off about Nickel. He wasn't acting like his usual self, he was more cheery and- um... Dumb?
He wasn't the Nickel I knew, but he looks so much like him. Is he Nickel I know?

TestTube fast forward again, showing more of Cakes memories. I could feel that feeling again when I saw the duel hair girl and Nickel were together. Cake's memories seem to be mostly filled with images of Nickel, being friendly with eachother in a way. A additude that he isn't like when he's hanging out with me.

Am I doing something wrong?

Why isn't he like that towards me?

I look at the passed out Cake with a sudden rage. Who come he got to see this side of Nickel and not me!? Staring at him, I noticed a single tear falling from his eye. Seemingly, when TestTube fast forward it showed an odd green alien standing in the middle of the yellow meadow. The bushy green hair male we saw earlier went up to the green alien, he looked like he was trying to talk to them.

But what showed on the screen frightened me, frightened all of us.

The green hair male was killed by the green alien. I couldn't believe my eyes as the scene played before turning black.

TestTube paused the video feed and looked at all of us.

"If anyone wants to leave, now may be the right time" she shakily said. Soap took the Cherries out of the room, Suitcase, Salt, Pepper and Tissue also left the room. And Yin passed out which left Yang in charge of their body.

TestTube looked around seeing if anyone else wanted leave. When no one got up, she continued to play the video.

The screen stayed black for the most part, I turned to my left and saw Fan's eyes widen and run out of the room. I got confused and looked back at the screen, in Cake's lap layed a girl with white hair stained with blood and her bottom half missing.

This is like straight out of a horror movie! This is FUCKED UP!!

A sudden blade headed for Cake, I could hear him whimper in the video as if he accepted his fate. But it didn't happen, as the screen quickly switched to the back of Nickel running. It seems as if he was running with Cake, they continued running in the forest until they reached a glowy portal.

"C'mon, I'll help you enter" Nickel said to Cake, as lowered himself to the ground. Cake used his hand as a stepping stool as he was lifted through the portal and into the forest. I think we all recognized the forest Cake landed in.

Then it turned back to Nickel who was on the other side.

Why didn't he enter?

The screen moved in to Nickel's view.
Hearing Cake plead for Nickel to enter the portal, it made me feel like I would have done too and Cake's shoes. Nickel took his hand as Cake tried his best to pulled him in.
But then, the screen turned to Nickel's face, he gave a soft smile.

"Save yourself" was the last thing he said before-

TestTube turned off the video feed, breathing heavily she left.

No... No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no!

I ran upstairs into my room and slammed the door shut. I fell on the floor, gripped my head as tears fell.

It can't be real..!

I refused to believe it!

Why didn't you enter!?

Why did you hesitate to enter the DAMN portal!!


Why couldn't you be revived..?

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