CHAPTER 14: Cupcakes and Balloons

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I walked downstairs to the lobby, it was bustling as usual. Knife and Pickle playing games while Bomb and Mic watched, Soap in the kitchen along with Trophy and the Cherries. Salt and Pepper in the dining area, and Paper walking around with a clipboard in hand.

The only unusual thing was that OJ was no where to be seen, I went over to Paper to ask him.

"Hey Paper, where's OJ? His isn't in the lobby as usual" Paper looked up from the clipboard. "Oh, he's having his well deserved nap. He gets one once in awhile curtsey of Pickle" Paper explained to me.

"Pickle? What does he have to do with OJ napping?" I asked Paper, he just shrugged in response. "No one really knows, whatever happens in OJ's office stays in OJ's office. All we know is that Pickle is able to get OJ to go to sleep"

"I see..." I walked away to join Soap in the kitchen. I was instantly greeted by the Cherries while Soap waved at me, and Trophy just rolled his eyes.

"Whatcha making?" I asked Soap "the Cherries wanted some cupcakes so I'm making some for them" she replied.

"Can I help? I've baked before", Soap nodded and handed me a finish batter and a cupcake tray. I slowly poured the batter into the molds, from time to time I'd look up and watched as the Cherries ran around the kitchen.

I pouring in the last of the batter when one of the Cherries bumped into me. Causing me to spill a bit of the batter on Cherri and myself, "oh dear! I-i'm so sorry about that Cherri" I apologized.

"It's ok Mr. Cake! Accidents happen" They said "it looks like you got some on yourself as well!" They giggled.


"Oh my gosh, what happened?!" Soap asked, finally realizing the mess. "I accidentally bumped into Mr. Cake while playing mama"

"TROPHY!!! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO LOOK AFTER YOUR BROTHERS!!" Soap scolded Trophy, I can tell by his reaction that he didn't know what was going on.
I suddenly felt a tug on my pants, I looked down and saw one to the Cherries. "Here you go Mr.Cake" Cherry handed me a towel, I smiled and took the towel and said "thank you" as I cleaned off my cupcake batter.

After I wiped off the batter on me, I remove the batter that landed on Cherri's head.

"There you go, all clean!" I smiled as Cherri twirled around and thanked me before running off to play with their twin. After Soap and I finished pouring the batter in the cupcake molds, Soap placed them in the oven to bake.

By the time the cupcake's finished baking, Trophy had left. "Dammit, made too many again..." Soap sighed.

"Well we can share it with the others" I suggested. Soap just shrugged and took out the frosting, I noticed the Cherries outside and called them in.

"Do you two want to help me and Soap decorate the cupcakes?" I asked the twins, the two looked at eachother then back at me and nodded. I smiled and grabbed two stools for them to use as we started decorating.

The Cherries got a little messy with the frosting, Cherri made more of a mess than their twin, Cherry. But I didn't mind, as long as they're having fun.
Soap wasn't having it, yelling everytime they made a mess. But I managed to calm her down when she was gonna lose it.

Soon we were all done, the Cherries took their pick of cupcake before leaving.
I placed the rest of the cupcakes on a tray while Soap angrily cleaned the kitchen.
I walked over to where Knife and his friends are, I waved over to them and Microphone waved back.

"Do you guys want a cupcake?" I asked them.

"Sure, Soap made too many again" Knife asked, grabbing a cupcake along with the others. "Yep! Does this happen often?" I asked him "nah, only happens when Soap bakes cupcakes for the Cherries" he laughed.

I soon left them to hand out more cupcakes to the rest of the people.
I have one to Salt and Pepper, Lightbulb, Fan, and Paper. Paintbrush, Cabby, Cheesy, Trophy, Tissue, Yin and Yang and Suitcase.

After handing all the cupcakes it only  left me two cupcakes, since no one wanted the one or the other I get both of them!
I walked up the stairs to the roof, I opened the door only to realize that someone was there.

No, it wasn't Baseball. It was Balloon, he sat next to the railing, hugging his legs close.

I walked over to him "cupcake?" He looked up at me "sure" he said as he grabbed the other cupcake.
I sat next to him as we both enjoyed our dessert, "what are you doing up here?" I asked him. "Just thinking" he responded before taking another bite out of the cupcake.

"Looks like a child decorated this" Balloon commented.

"Because a child did, the Cherries decorated the cupcakes" I said responding to his comment.
I look up into the dark sky "huh, didn't realize how much time passed by" I said. Mesmerized by the night sky.
"Yeah it is" Balloon said, I stood up and leaned against the railing. Balloon soon joined me stargazing, "Nickel would always join me at night. We'd look up and try to spot constellations" I said, smiling at the memory.

"I don't get it" Balloon muttered.

"Get what?"

"You tell stories about you and Nickel, and it doesn't seem like it's the same person. The Nickel I know is rude, and sarcastic! But when you tell us about him- it's like, he's some pure angelic soul that wouldn't harm anyone!" Balloon explained to me.

"He hurt me and manipulated Suitcase, and your saying he's one of the nicest people you know! I just... Don't understand"

"Balloon... Are you jealous?" I asked him.

"Wha- what are you talking!? Me, jealous? That- that's ridiculous...." Balloon scramble his sentence and his face turn red like his hair.

"Sure Nickel and I were friends but that's all in the past now... It was all fake" he said.

"I'm sure he doesn't think that, I think he just wanted you to survive the elimination" I reassured him. Although I'm not too sure myself, I wasn't there.

"Doubt it" Balloon rolled his eyes and was about to leave, but he stopped in his tracks. "Balloon?" I turned to see what Balloon saw, it was something I wasn't expecting.

"Is that a floating cloak?" Balloon asked me "I think so... What's it doing here?" I wondered, staring at the purple cloak.

Then it suddenly vanished, it startled the both of us when it did.

"I think I should get some sleep" I suggested as I began to walk towards the roof's entrance. "You coming?" I asked Balloon "yeah I-" I didn't hear the rest of Balloon's sentence before I started tumbling down the stairway.

"Oh gosh, CAKE ARE YOU OK?" Balloon yelled "Yep" was all I could muttered out.
I got up and Balloon soon joined me down in the hallway and we went out separate ways.

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