CHAPTER 2: Questions

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"Cake huh? what a nice name" Soap said which made me smile a bit.

"Ok Cake, where are you from?" Testtube asked the next question.

"I from.... I was from a gameshow called Tpot..." I muttered out. She nodded in response and began writting it down.

"another gameshow eh? that must be cool" Knife said, I nodded in response.

Hopefully the other inhabitants are as nice as these people.

"ok moving on, how is your head? are you feeling a bit hasey?" she asked.

"n-no... just really hurts and can't concentrate well on things" I replied. She nodded and quickly jotted it down.

"and your vision?"

"it's good"

"how are you feeling in general?"

"tired, hungry, in pain"

Testtube nodded and wrote down my responses.

"I should've brought food up here for you, sorry.." Soap apologized.

"no no! it's all good" I reasurred her.

"alright, but you still need food, I'll got get some" Soap said before she hurried out to get food.

"ok while she does that, I'll ask more questions and hopefully they aren't too sensitive" Testtube said. Sensitive questions... oh no...

"do you know who hurt you?" she asked in a monotone voice. 

"t-the h-host..." I muttered out. The others looked at me with wide eyes

"What!! why would a host do that!?" Knife exclaimed, I shrugged in response. I don't even know what gotten in to Two act all crazy.

"Did he harm anyone else?" Testtube ask in concern while writting down my latest response.

"T-they... kill the rest of t-them..." I replied. They looked at me in shocked, Testtube held the clipboard closer to her.

"golly... I'm sorry you had to go through that" she said. She cleared her voice and began to ask questions again.

"do you know how it all started?" She asked, judging by her expression, she isn't ready.

"w-well, our host has been acting weird and no one knew why. But one day, they just went feral and started to attack..."

"did someone save you?" Knife asked.

"yes, without him... I wouldn't be here... alive"

Testtube did a fake cough so she could continue to ask questions.

"do you know how you got here?" Testtube asked.

"some sort of glowy portal..." I replied. She nodded and wrote it down.

"do you recall anything before passing out?" Testtube asked.

I stayed quiet, all I could remeber was him...
The image of him being cut in half frozed in my my mind. Tears fell out of my eyes from that dreadful moment.

"could please tell us, we need to know every so we can-" OJ place a hand on her shoulder, signaling for her to stop prying for infomation.
She just looked down and nodded.

"I guess that will be all for today, I will be coming in every week to check if you're health is improving" she said.

"your allowed to wander around the hotel, just make sure someones is with you incase you pass out again" OJ told me, I nodded in response.

Soon the infirmary's door opened to reveal Soap and someone else. I never saw her before.

"HI OJ!! I got the spare clothes you asked for!! I don't know why you need it but-" the girl stopped talking after seeing me.

"who's that?"

"this is Cake. Cake, this is Salt. I see you got the clothes I asked for"

Salt nodded and place the clothes on the counter.

"I honestly thought it was a girl, since the tattered you gave me was a dress and cardigan. wasn't expecting this" Salt exclaimed. I mean- I'm sometimes mistaking as a girl.

Soap place the tray of food on the counter, then exited along with OJ, Knife and Testtube.

Then Salt walked up to me and held out a locket, she placed it in my hands and shooed Knife out of his spot.

"I found that in your cardigan's pocket and I just like- got to know! who is that cute guy you have in there, he's not as cute as my OJ but he's pretty cute!" She asked. My face immeaditly turned red, she saw the picture of loser!

"J-just a friend..." I replied.

"mmh, your face doesn't say that. Do you like- like him~" she teased.
My face continued to turn even more red. I pulled the cover over me and laid down.

"Aw~ you do!" she giggled.

"please stop..."

"ok ok, I'll head out now. See you later Cakey!" Salt got up and left. Did- did she call me Cakey? No one call me that before, I kinda like it.

I removed the cover and sat up. After she mentioned loser, it got me wondering...

Did Two get to them? Are they gone too?




I got up from the bed to get the tray of food Soap had left me before sitting down.
I took a spoonful of the soup and placed it in my mouth.

It's really good!

I wish the rest of my team was here...
I know they can't... since they're all dead now...

I looked over to the infirmary door. Maybe I should check out the hotel tomarrow, so I get familliar with the area...

The portal Nickel sent me through did lead me here...

"yeah... I'll do that!"

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