The Last Ride

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They all had their bed where both the couples lay with each other and slept where I had to sleep in the driving seat. I trusted those guys and made them my friends. I told them everything and they didn’t
betray me. After continuous sounds of kissing and talking. They finally slept and let me sleep. The days weren’t long but the nights were. What I could do and couldn’t the horrible dreams of mine didn’t let me sleep that much. I always stay awake between 4 to 5 a.m. talking to my grandpa’s diary. The time was near. They were all close but I wanted to be closer. I talked to them about this and they comforted me like I was one of their own. I was the chosen one or I wasn’t. We all drove towards their town. We all reached home and I got to meet Jake’s parents. I was shocked to see but didn’t show any reaction. Weird to see that my father is alive and living with someone else. He knew I came so he ignored me the most and did nothing to grab my attention. I was given a room and we all stayed in his house. I woke up again at 11 p.m. to get some water. I opened the door and went downstairs. When I came back, I wasn’t expecting to see my dad dead outside my door. I called everyone and told them about the scene. When we reached Jake’s parent's room to call her mother. The gate was locked so how he came outside. We broke the gate and saw the gate keys were inside the room. We went further to wake her up. We shouted and panicked to wake her but more than we knew. She was long gone. We were late. They all blamed me for Jake’s parent’s death as after my arrival, people started to die. We started arguing. Some flashing lights interrupted us and sirens were outside the house. The cops came and said that they had covered the entire house and we had no choice but to come outside. When we came out to see why and who was calling us. We weren’t visualising the things but we all could see that there was no one.

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