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As Ben woke up he realised there was no war. There were no people. There was no Jake. As he woke up, he was confused that is this was real life or if this was also a dream. It was twilight and his home was silent. He lived alone as his parents were out at a family event. He was starving and made a sandwich to eat. As he was eating the meal, a thought came to his mind that all the people he saw in his dreams are true, but why? Why them? They aren't close to me or I don't know them well. So why all these people? He ate the sandwich and looked around the house and went downstairs with the empty plate. He saw flashing lights outside the window. Red and blue lights flashing on the glass. Sirens around his house. He went outside his house and went to the neighbour's house to check the scene. As he went there, he asked 2 cops what was going on. The cops told him that two parents took their lives with a blade in front of their own 16-year-old daughter. He was confused that his neighbor never had a child. The girl was outside wrapped around a towel, shivering like she was in short clothes on a cold winter night.

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