XLII: In the Tulip Field

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As they cycled through Amsterdam, Connie was grateful for the lack of tandem bikes as she watched Dani manoeuvre the bike like a complete moron. How he hadn't ended up in the canal yet was a complete mystery to her, but the night was still young.

"How much longer until we get there?" asked Dani, eyes fixated on Connie causing him to almost swerve into her.

"Careful," warned Connie, amused as she put out an arm to stop Dani getting closer. This is why she rarely let him drive. "If we dump our bikes at the end of this street, it's about a five minute walk."

"Why do we have to walk?" whined Dani, yet the grin of childlike excitement and anticipation never left his face.

Connie looked over, in awe of the way the wind carded through his hair making him look like the epitome of a Disney prince. Connie wanted to lean over and kiss his dimples, but they had places to be and tulips to see.

"Because you don't want to see the fields, do you? You can't ride a bike with your eyes closed."

"I can try!"

"Darling, you're hardly riding it with your eyes open," pointed out Connie, laughing as Dani swerved to avoid a pedestrian who yelled as he drifted from the bike lane. "We'll get off our bikes, you can blindfold yourself, I can run in and get you one tulip, then we'll go, how does that sound?"

Dani looked at Connie with complete adoration, "You are too good to me."

Connie smiled cheekily, speeding up and peddling a bit further ahead. The rustle of some bushes followed by a yell caught her attention in the relatively quiet area, bringing her to a halt and making Dani almost crash into her. The front wheel of his bike grazed just behind Connie's knee, but she shushed him as he began to apologise.

Just over the row of bushes they had crouched behind, they could see Jamie and Roy. One of them had obviously fallen, presumably Roy as he was now wobbling on his bike, glaring at Jamie who firmly held his waist as he tried to help.

"Aw, look at them," chuckled Connie quietly, steadily crouched behind the bushes.

"They argue like a married couple," pointed out Dani as Roy started to topple when he took his hands of the handlebar to bat Jamie away.

Connie grinned, turning to face Dani who was gazing at her with a heart full of love already. The streetlights illuminated his face just enough for Connie to see his expression grow sheepish and almost nervous at the mention of marriage.

"You good?" asked Connie, concerned as she reached to cup his cheek.

"Good," nodded Dani hurriedly, turning his head and kissing the palm of her hand before moving back to his bike. "Adios, amigo Jamie! Coach Roy!"

Connie cursed under her breath at Dani blowing their cover, turning to look at the two men who were looking into the bushes exasperatedly. She waved awkwardly and then saluted, rushing to get back on her bike and catch up to Dani. She did so in seconds, tapping his shoulder teasingly and erupting into laughter as he yelled at her passing.

Eventually, they came up to a path. It had a rustic wooden sign with 'tulip field' carved into it and an arrow pointing ahead. There was a bike rack, and both of them deposited their bikes there. The path was gorgeous - wildflowers thick in the grass either side of it and lanterns twinkling, hanging from rope attached to thick wooden fences.

It was away from the hustle and bustle of Amsterdam, and it was silent except for the sharp sound of crickets and hoots of owls. It felt like something out of a movie, and Connie could hardly believe that this moment was real and that Dani Rojas was real.

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