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"Dani, sit still."


"Dani, stop messing with your hair."

"But it-"

"It looks fine," huffed Connie, setting down her camera and taking a few steps towards the footballer. He looked up at her sweetly as she tidied his hair, nodding an appreciative thanks when she was done. "We need to get these pictures taken before-"

"Alright, wrap it up, lovebirds! Bus is about to take off," called Ted, leaning against the doorframe and winking. "How are they coming along?"

Connie shook her head, picking up her camera and handing it to Ted to look through. Half of the pictures were blurred, and the other half were just not quite what Connie wanted. Dani was a bit of a menace when he wanted to be, Connie had began to discover. She'd get him set up, fix his hair, straighten out his kit, and then go to take the shot. At the last second, Dani would pull a funny face, or reach to 'fix' his hair, or move his shoulder and wrinkle his shirt again. He was a pain to photograph despite being stupidly photogenic, but Connie would get him eventually.

"I'll just send the ones of him training the other day," said Connie, taking the camera back. She shot Dani a small smile as he walked out to get changed for the bus. "Well, the ones before he fell, anyway."

"You got one of him falling?!" exclaimed Ted. He then toned down his excitement, trying to suppress his grin and folding his arms across his chest. "I mean, that is a real shame. I love the kid, and I am so sorry to say this, but I bet that's one of the damn funniest photos out there. You gotta show me."

"Don't be so mean!" joked Connie, lightly punching Ted's bicep. She then leaned closer, whispering in his ear, "I'll email it later."

Ted grinned and punched the air, bidding Connie farewell and leaving the office to make sure everyone was getting on the bus. Connie packed up her camera into her overnight bag, exchanging it for a smaller camera that she'd carry around until the match. Connie didn't have to get pictures of the stuff in between games, like travelling and socialising, but it was fun, and the boys were usually very grateful, much to sheepish and shy to ask for people to take pictures of them most of the time.

Connie slung the overnight bag over her left shoulder and her tote bag over the right, still holding the small camera in her hand and tucking her phone in her pocket. She left the office, blowing a kiss to her sanctuary before walking out.

Despite the player's excitement to be travelling up to Liverpool, there was still an air of pessimism weighing heavy on the bus. Admittedly, Connie herself had very little faith in the team to beat Everton, but Dani's presence and relentless optimism was giving her a shred of hope. She took a seat alone near the front, dropping her bag into her lap and leaning her head against the window, watching as the remaining players began to file out of the stadium.

"I am excited. I have never been to Liverpool," expressed Dani, smiling brightly as he took the seat next to Connie. She'd agreed to be his 'bus buddy' for the small price of him sharing his snacks with her. It was hard to fathom that this was a team of grown men sometimes.

"Me neither," smiled Connie, turning slightly to face him. "I've heard it's fun. Smile!"

Connie had raised the camera, snapping a picture of Dani who grinned widely with his thumbs up. She lowered the camera, showing him the shot and smiling proudly at it. Connie didn't use this camera often, so she was glad to see she was still capable of taking some pretty good pictures with it.

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