XXXV: Poppy Seeds

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It had been about a week since Poppy Benedict had passed away.

It had broken Connie's heart; Dani's as well. Poppy had been more than an old neighbour to the pair. She was like a mother for a girl without one and a boy away from his own. She was a beloved friend that they knew they could say anything to without judgement. She was beautiful in every sense of the word.

Connie, in her opinion, had been handling the loss well. It was sudden, in a way, because while they had known Poppy was unwell, they didn't quite know the severity of it. But, Connie had buried herself in funeral plans, reaching out to the few people Poppy had kept close over the years. In all honesty, Connie had never realised how similar they had been until she saw a guest list comprised of friends and not family. Poppy had no biological family, but, like Connie, she'd found a family in her friends.

Dani did not think Connie was handling it as well as she seemed to think. The way he saw it, Connie had buried herself into planning a funeral. It was a little bit too much planning, in his opinion. What funeral had multiple florists and caterers working on it? Then again, Poppy was extravagant, and he'd be more surprised if the ceremony to say goodbye was anything less.

Nevertheless, Dani was worried that Connie wouldn't let herself feel. She'd had a rough year, and while he couldn't blame her for not wanting to suffer more, it was something she had to allow, just for a moment. Dani would be there every step of the way, he knew that. He just wasn't sure if Connie knew.

The morning of the funeral came quicker than either had thought, and they got ready in separate rooms, both in complete and utter silence. It was unusual. They typically wouldn't leave each other alone. Grief was a weird old thing.

"Love, are you ready?" called Connie to Dani who was fixing his hair in the bathroom down the hall.

No reply came and Connie called again, hearing a quiet 'nearly'. She stood in front of the mirror, turning back and forth in the yellow gown she wore. Poppy had requested a black tie dress-code for the funeral, but requested that no one wear black. It was odd, but it was the most Poppy request Connie could think of.

"Connie," said Dani gently as he walked into the room, wearing a velvet tuxedo in a darker yellow to Connie's dress.

Connie could've winced at the sound of her own name coming from Dani. She was so used to the 'mi amor' and 'mi vida' and 'beautiful' and all the other sweet nothings Dani could muster up. He only ever called her by her name when something was wrong. Connie shook off the feeling of dread, reminding herself that it was just Dani. Sweet, lovely Dani who couldn't hurt a fly.

"Yeah?" replied Connie, walking closer to fix Dani's tie. It was a vibrant red that barely matched the tuxedo, but it was the colour of poppies. Connie couldn't argue with that touch.

"Why haven't you cried?"

Connie felt her heart grow heavy, a sickly feeling growing in her as she furrowed her brows in false confusion, a weak amused laugh forced through her lips. "What do you mean?"

"Mi amor..." Dani trailed off, frowning and completely clueless on what to say next. He didn't want to make her cry. He just wanted her to know that it was fine. It was fine to break. They'd both pick up the pieces as they had done before. They always would.

"Don't look at me like that," said Connie quietly, rubbing her right hand up and down her left forearm - a nervous habit that Dani picked up on immediately.

Dani reached for Connie, intending to hold her hands in his own. But, Connie was quick to drop her arms to her sides. Their eyes met immediately, Dani's full of devastation.

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