XXVIII: Puppy Love

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A/N: Written a bit differently to usual - just a little collection of our beloveds getting used to the new puppy, Sol! Enjoy!


Sol, as expected, had been excitedly received by those at the impromptu sleepover. She'd been fussed relentlessly, and it took a lot of persuasion on Ted's behalf to get Isaac not to smuggle Sol home in his duffel bag. Even Jamie, who was not a morning person by any means, had gotten up bright and early an hour before they had to leave for training to go and buy Sol some more toys.

It was undeniably sweet, but Connie couldn't help but feel guilty about the lack of attention Bobby was getting. He'd gone from being the most cheerful, ecstatic being in the house (even in the company of Dani) to moping in the corner, ears flat against his head and eyes watering as he stared at everyone.

"Mi amor, are you sure we did the right thing?" asked Dani with a frown, sat cross-legged on the hardwood next to Bobby. He reached a hand out to pet him, quickly pulling it back when Bobby bared his teeth.

"Bobby!" exclaimed Connie, looking utterly appalled at her dog's uncharacteristic behaviour. Sol perked up in her lap, tiny head tilting up to look at her owner as her tail wagged eagerly.

"He is disappointed in us," stropped Dani, head dropping to Connie's shoulder as he relented his efforts to coddle the dog.

Neither thought it was possible for a dog to hold a grudge, but by God, Bobby was doing a remarkable job. He'd stared at his bowl of food Connie had put down with pure hatred that morning, but as soon as Colin picked it up and put it back down, he was all over it. He did not come anywhere near Connie and Dani's room that morning as he often did, opting to curl up on the end of Jamie's bed instead.

"He'll be okay," assured Connie. She picked Sol up, holding the puppy near her face and nudging her tiny, wet, rubbery nose with her own. She then handed her to Dani, scooting closer to Bobby. "You're just a little bit jealous, aren't you, sweet boy?"

Connie carefully reached out, deeming it safe when Bobby didn't growl at her. She scratched behind his ears, and the dog felt the love, seeming to melt into her pets immediately as he rolled onto his back. Bobby's fluffy tail wagged in excitement, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as Connie rubbed his belly.

"See? Just fine," said Connie, poking Dani's thigh with a cheeky grin. "It just takes a bit of getting used to when there's a new baby in the house, doesn't it, angel?"

"Ay, dios mio," murmured Dani under his breath, eyes widening. "Did you forget to tell me something? I did not think we were going to... no baby, no babies. I swear we used-"

"I love you. Also, stop talking," chuckled Connie, ignoring Bobby's whine when she pulled her hand away, reaching to thread her fingers through Dani's hair and pull him into a gentle, brief kiss. "We did. Sol is the baby, my love. Keep up."

"Oh," exhaled Dani, relief clear in his face as he glanced down at the puppy and then back to Connie. "Our sweet baby Sol."

"Sweet baby Sol," repeater Connie with a grin.

"And my beloved Bobby," beamed Dani, placing Sol down and leaning over to pet Bobby. The dog barked, and Dani jumped back with a yelp. "I take it back! There is something evil in that dog..."

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