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Despite the good nights sleep they had got because of Ted's strict curfew, the players looked utterly exhausted when Connie entered the locker room that morning. She herself was elated. Connie always enjoyed an away game, and wins and losses didn't really matter to her as much as they did everyone else. Sure, she'd love to see them win, but she wouldn't let the assumption that they more than likely wouldn't get her down.

"Why the long faces?" asked Connie, frowning jokingly as she leaned against the wall next to Ted.

"They think they ain't gonna win," said Ted, lips pulled into a thin line as he looked around the locker room. "You've got immaculate timing. Nate was just about to give them some words of wisdom. Go take a seat."

Ted nudged Connie forward, straight toward an empty spot between Dani and Bumbercatch. The latter greeted her with a silent nod, focused on tying his laces. Dani turned and grinned widely, greeting Connie with a cheerful 'hello'.

"Hi," replied Connie, nudging him teasingly. "Excited for the match?"

"I do not know," said Dani grimly. His tone filled Connie with a little bit of dread, thinking that this match must be daunting if even Dani wasn't looking forward to it.

Connie went to respond, but the room went silent as Ted pushed Nate forward to say a few words to the team. Instead, she opted for a gentle, reassuring squeeze of Dani's hand, and if she lingered a little too long, neither of them said anything.

Nate stammered, struggling to say the words despite them being right in front of him. Words of support began to echo around the room as everyone cheered Nate on, encouraging him to speak his mind, something that a few would soon regret.

"Isaac," began Nate, and then he paused hesitantly, looking at the footballer as if asking for permission.

"Oh, yeah, yeah, it's alright. You got this bruv," said Isaac, smiling supportively.

"I've noticed, of late," continued Nate, voice undeniably shaky. A nod from Ted seemed to wash away some nerves. "That you've been playing like a big, dumb pussy."

Silence overtook the room, mouths falling open in shock as no one expected anything of that caliber to come out of Nate's mouth. An amused grin spread across Connie's face and she raised her hands to cover it, trying hard to suppress her laughter.

"What the fuck did you say to me, bruv?" fumed Isaac, but he looked just as taken aback as the rest of the team.

"You're more concerned about looking tough than actually being tough. There's a way to be intimidating without being physical. Hope you don't mind me saying," finished Nate, and Isaac seemed to back off, sinking into the bench with an irritated pout. "Um, Sam."

"Oh, no," whined Sam, shaking his head in protest. Connie snickered at her friend, and he looked at her with what was intended to be a glare but looked more like a plea for help.

"You're constantly getting beat on the wings, it's 'cause you're indecisive," informed Nate, sounding more sure of himself as he went on. Connie wasn't sure how she felt about the fact he had to rip others down to gain a bit of confidence in himself, but she let him proceed. "You second guess more than a shitty psychic. The only African I know more imprisoned by their own thoughts is god damn Nelson Mandela."

The room erupted into laughter at the remark, and Connie leaned forward, elbows resting on her knees as she buried her face in her hands. She did not want to give Nate the satisfaction of her amusement, deciding that she was not a fan of his methods. It felt like more of a stream of insults that constructive criticism, and that was not really what the team needed.

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