XVI: A Very Merry Christmas

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A/N: Christmas in June? More likely than you think! The Secret Santa in this is different to the episode on the account that I literally forgot it happened 'til I rewatched for the Higgins house scene. I quite like my version anyway, enjoy!


Growing up, Connie had never been a fan of Christmas. It was a miserable time for her more often than not, full of arguing and guilt-tripping from her parents that ultimately tarnished the happiest time of the year for her. It was a shame, really, because she saw the joy it brought others and envied it deeply, wanting that for herself. But, she had spent the last few years in London, alone, not willing to travel home to spend Christmas with Charlie who, for whatever stupid reason, still spent it with their parents.

Then, there was Dani, who seemed to love the holiday more than anyone. It made sense, because why wouldn't the most excitable person in the world love the most wonderful time of the year? Although, Dani had been a little down about not being able to go home for Christmas because of a Boxing Day match, but he was trying to lift his own spirits by spending Christmas with Connie, doing the things he loved with her instead of his family.

Only thing is, Connie was reluctant as hell. So, Dani made it his mission to make her love Christmas.

"Will you help me set up Secret Santa?" asked Dani. He was sat on the carpet in Connie's living room, leaning on the oak coffee table writing Christmas cards to send home.

Connie hummed in acknowledgment, eyes not leaving the episode of Modern Family on the TV as she sat on the couch behind Dani, playing with his hair as he wrote. "No, probably not."

"Mi amor," groaned Dani, tilting his head back to look up at her with an exaggerated pout. "Please?"

"I can't say no when you look at me like that," said Connie with a halfhearted laugh, leaning down and kissing Dani's forehead. "I'll bring a hat or something to training tomorrow for people to put names in and pick them out. What do you want the budget to be?"


"Okay, Mr Champions League Contract."

"Will you join in?" asked Dani. He sounded nervous to ask, and in all honesty, he kind of was. He really wanted Connie to feel involved, but she was just so painfully against everything.

"I don't know," answered Connie honestly.

But, when Connie saw the way Dani's eyes shone with disappointment and he turned his attention back to the pile of Christmas cards in front of him, she knew she had to cheer up a little bit. Anything for him. She ruffled his hair affectionately then picked up her phone, sighing as she saw another message from Charlie.

Charlie Huxley • 21:07
There's a few flights tomorrow. I can pay for it. They really want you here, Cons. Can I give them your number, at least?

Connie Huxley • 21:16
No. Also, go away.

Connie set her phone down and exhaled, deciding that she really hated her brother this time of here. Charlie had cut off contact with his parents when he had moved out, but it seemed all of that had been forgotten a few years ago when they reconnected. It was the one and only thing he and Connie disagreed on, and sometimes, Charlie got so defensive of their parents that she thought it might just be a tiebreaker and she'd have to ditch her last family member that cared about her.

Christmas sucked.

"Someone is in the Christmas spirit," joked Sam as Connie came to him with a Richmond beanie, holding it out for Sam to drop his name in.

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