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Two months later

Taehyung's eyes sparkle watching his fiance moving his body rhythmically to the beat his flawless body moves smoothly on the dance floor.his hands held rollercoaster high raging to the beat of the hum,his foot seems to be moving in sync as he brought his knees to the floor and slid before doing a spin back up.

He leaps to the air and his left leg raises more than his right moving in a circle as he floats in the air he swirls forwards to taehyung direction who has lost in his alluring performance.

He never thought he could fall in love all over again,but he did and he'd keeps falling for him everyday.

The dancer suddenly collapsed into his arms making him smile and held the male by his waist and Jimin  slowly removed his blindfold and his lips curled into a smirk as he saw how taehyung was looking at him.

Eyes full of love and fondness.

"How did you manage to make me fall for you everyday?"he confession,he was totally mesmerized at the alluring male in front of him.

his heart flat lining when jimin pump lips curling upward into a sweet smile,his eyes turning crescent.

"Well it my effects, don't you think?"

He taunts with a wink putting his hands around the male's neck with a little galaxies spreading across their eyes.

"I love you!!"

Taehyung express softly meeting the male halfway and they lock lips.

Their heart beat together forming the fragile delicacy spark,aware of the romantic revolution passes through them.

"I love you too tae!!"

Jimin whispers back,drowning in the feeling of bliss,occupying the brown eyes of the taller and tiptoes on his feet to places a kiss on taehyung's lips.

Jimin nibbles on it in a feathering kiss,sucking and biting on it while Taehyung moves his hands into his waist pulling him closer,kissing him deeply.

They felt an enormous amount of emotion dwelling in them as their lips tangle together creating a perfect spark between them and the feeling sinked into their heart drowning them in a feeling of bliss.

Someone cleared their throat,catching their attention as they looked back and saw Jungkook's mom standing by the door,a smirk on her face.

"Mom!!,you didn't tell me you are here"Jimin push taehyung away instantly,turning a shade red.

"I wanted to surprise you but I didn't know you were going to be all over each other"she chuckled and Jimin went into her embrace,hiding his flush face making her laugh harder and ruffles his hair.

During the past months,she has been visiting them a lot and Jimin never felt more grateful,it shows someone still cares for him,he has always taken her as mother and they have always been close.

they always talk about stuff together that they had no secret,he thought after everything he would lose the female too and that she would change but she didn't and that's what Jimin love about her so much.

She's selfless and kindhearted.

he doesn't know how he would cope if he lost her too.

They sat on the floor and she started unpacking the food she bought while Taehyung went to get drinks.

"I told you to stop skipping meals,look how thin you are?"she scolded while feeding the male who clung onto him.

"So how are you and taehyung,I see you two are doing well?"

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