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"I know that, Lando. I just dont think today is the right time to do it." Daniella complained at her boyfriend, shooting him an annoyed look as she continued to fold up their clothes.

"Why? I just dont understand." She refused to look at him, continuing to focus on putting everything in the correct piles. He went over to her, grabbing his t-shirt out of her hands. "Just stop and look at me a moment!"

"Dont shout. Iziahs asleep next door."

"Its not even like we drive for the same team. Theres nothing contractual about it. they'll care about it for like not even two grand prixs and that wil be it. It will be normal."

"But thats exactly it, Lando! Thats what im talking about. You just need to listen to me. I could lose my job for fucks sake. Imagine what they're going to be saying. Imagine the headlines! 'Mercedes team principal, Daniella McCaully, admits to dating Mclaren golden boy and champion Lando Norris.' then all of the article will be about me feeding McClaren information that benefits you and your championship because apparently i'd want my boyfriend to win a championsip more than my own team." She continued aggressively folding clothes as he sat down on the chair in the corner of their room.

"That's bullshit." He complained, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Yet its true! its so true you cant even argue against it. I've had the shittiest week of my life. I just need you to understand how im feeling. I know none of what she said is true, but i need you to understand how im feeling just for once." Tears began filling her eyes, everything shes been feeling inches, millimeters from falling. "I need tyou to understand where I am coming from. I just need you right now, Lando, but all you've been talking about for the last 24 hours is announcing everything thats been hidden for the past five years to the public. I need you and you're not here. So please. I'm literally begging for you to be here for me and not with me. For you to be my friend not just my boyfriend." In that second, everything let loose. Every emotion, every sob, every cry and plead that had been building up since the moment she found out.

Daniella collapsed, clutching the t-shirt that now seemed to be too tight around her chest and abdomen- an aimless attempt at pulling everything that had been pushing her down away. An effort to be rid of the monsters that kept her awake at night, checking on her son every half an hour to make sure that everything that was happening to him in her nightmares wasn't happening in the present.

Lando had rushed over almost as soon as she fell. Her head was now in his lap as he leaned against the end of the bed, stroking her hair with a soft hand also placed on the top of her arm. The harsh breathing sounds and cries had now died down and were replaced with attempts to catch her breath and follow the rise and fall of Landos'.

"I love you. I'm so fucking sorry." he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her head.

"I'm scared. I want every one to know how much I love you and how excited i am to have this b-." She stopped herself. Almost sharing everything with him. Sitting up, he pulled Dani into his lap, cradling her against his chest. "I want them all to know so bad. I hate knowing that Iziah wants to tell everyone who his father is because hes so proud yet he cant. I hate the secrecy. Im just Scared. Because what if i do loose everything ive worked hard for. What if i loose you. I feel like youre the best thing to ever happen to me. When i am with you I feel like I never want to leave you and the thought of anything coming between us and what we have has always scared the crap out of me, and right now i couldnt imagine a life without you. You're all I have right now. You make me happier than anyone ever has and being around you is always enough to turn a bad day into a good one. I keep thinking about how much I love talking to you. |How good you look when you smile. How much I love your laugh. I daydream about you on and off. I grin from ear to ear when I see you on the top step of the podium and every time I see your smile, I feel the need to say something to make your smile even bigger. I love the way you look at Iziah, the way you look at me when I feel like absolute shit and instantly make me feel like I am a 10/10."

"You're an 11/10". A smile crept onto both of our faces. I changed positions on his lap, now stradling him with both my arms draped across his shoulders and around the back of his neck. One hand stroked the hair on the back of his head whilst the other drew small circle at the top of his back.

"I was once told that people will forget what you said, forget what you did, but they'll never forget how you made them feel and it's true. I still remeber the butterflies I felt the first time you opened the car door for me, the amusement when you tried pulling out a chair for me, not realising it wasn't one that you could pull out." They both grinned at the memory. "I guess that what I'm trying to say, lando, is I'm scared that we're going to lose everything we've beein building for the last almost a year. I'm scared to lose you."

His fingers were now drawing circles around the bottom of her back, his eyes flicking from her lips and back up to her eyes as she finished what she was saying. "I love you. I want everone to know. In fact, I think we should  call Char and Rosa to try and figure everything out."

"I'd love to. But first, what were you saying before?"

"When?" She questioned, knowing exactly what he was talking about because she was thinking of the same thing.

"When you said 'I want everyone to know how excited i am to have this b-'. You stopped yourself and panicked," His eyes were hopping back and forth between hers.

"Oh. Erm." She stood up and made her way over to her bag which had been left just outside of the room. He stood up and went to go and follow her until she was coming back in with her purse, she began opening it. " Well this wasnt how i wanted us to find out but..." she pulled out a piece of paper that had been folded in half and placed into an envelope and handed it to him. "What does it say?"

"It's a girl? What is-" His eyes widened in realisation as she began crying again jumpping into his arms with a huge smile on her face.

"We're having another baby?"


So... thoughts?

I had two different versions of the story and decided to go for this one because it seemed like a better choice for you guys.

I wanted to thank everyone who keeps coming back to read more and waits for me to release more chapters. We're at 50k reads!

Alsooooo, spoiler if you haven't watched the GP!! Carlos Sainz!! He deserved that p3 and dotd. IM SO HAPPY FOR UIM.

Anyway, enough of me rambling on, be sure to vote and comment 😅😬😬

Love you allll, Rylee xx

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