One look | 0.02

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"Come on Iziah." Daniella says angrily at her 3 year old who is refusing to keep his shoes on. They were on their way to daycare at the hotel.

"No. I don't want to." He retaliates, causing Daniella to put his shoes on her bag and then Iziah into his buggy.

"Please behave today my love. I know you feel sick but I need to get to work. You know I need to work. Just like I've needed to for the past three months."

"No. Im sick." He tries getting out of his buggy.

"Iziah McCaully I don't want to have to tell you again. Sit down!!" His lip begins to tremble and she can tell he's about to cry. "Oh shi- I'm sorry baby. Mama just needs to get to work. I'll get you some ice cream later okay?" He nods his head and they leave.

"What do you mean you can't take him? It's literally your job here to take my son for the day. I literally work at the track."

"I'm sorry ma'am but he's running a temperature and with all of the new COVID precautions in place I'm not al-"

"Yeah yeah fine." She looks at the time on her phone and panics. Looks like zi has his first day on track. She leaves the hotels daycare and gets into her rental. You would've thought that as team boss she'd have pick over her car. Turns out she doesn't and now she has to get his car seat into a Mercedes'- AMG one without scratching it.

With her final attempt, she had Zi in his car seat in the car. It was only about twenty minutes to the track so she was hoping he wouldn't sleep.

"Come on then baby. Let's go see the super fast cars."

He let out a squeal of excitement and began imitating the noises he hears on tv.
"Listen." She says, crouching down to his level. "Mummy has a super important job to do. You might not be with me all day and you're going to have to stay with a few people okay?" He nods his head. "Goooood. Right then let's goooo."

As a Mercedes team principal, Daniella has a lot to do which is why it was important to be able to send Zi to a day care -well that fell through.

"I want out pease."

"Are you going to be a good boy and hold my hand?"

"Yes mama. Promise." He offers his pinky finger which Daniella takes as she unclips him from his buggy. He immediately takes her hand as they walk through the paddock.

"Morning everyone!" She says walking into the Mercedes MH. "This is my son Iziah. Some of you may have met him already, and others not. Zi, say hi to mamas friends."

"Hi mamas friends." He receives some 'awe's' and a few small laughs before she picks him up.

"Bono, can I borrow you for a minute please." He gets up without hesitation and follows her. "HeyBono, how are you?"

"I'm good thanks, hey little man." He says, offering a hand to high five.

"I'm not little. I'm big boy." He says crossing his arms.

"Is that so?" Bono immitates him by crossing his arms too

"Be nice to uncle Bono, Zi. He's going to be looking after you for a bit today." Looking over to him, he smiles back at her.

"Do you want to come see the cars big man? I've got some nice friends that might let you sit inside."
Zi nods his head and after saying bye, they leave her office.

"Mama!!" Zi says with open arms.
"Hey baby, how was your morning?" She picks him up and rests him on her hip.
"It was so much fun! Uncle Bono put me in Lew Lews car and then Lew Lew came and telled my all about it. Have you met Lew Lew before mama?"
"I have Zi. In fact, I see him every single week." His eyes go wide in surprise and she laughs.
"So you knowed him when he won in 2020?"
"No. I didn't know him then baby, but, I see him fighting with mr Norris every weekend."
"Who is mr Norris? Did I meet him yet?"
"No baby, you haven't met him yet." She redirects her attention to Bono. "You can go now Peter. Thank you." He nods his head and says goodbye whilst she continues talking to her son. "Do you want to go and get some food buddy?"
"Mhmmm Zi zi is hungry."
"Let's go get zizi some food then." She tickles his stomach causing him to squirm in her arms. They begin walking to the cafeteria as he asks the question she's been dreading. "Mama, do I have a daddy?" How am I supposed to respond? Yes sweetheart your daddy is a f1 world champion who I had a one night stand with almost five years ago? Yep, cause that will go well. "Zi, yes. You do have a daddy everyone does baby." He looks at her sad and confused. "So where is he mama?" She wipes a loose curl out of his face and tries giving a small smile. "You will meet him one day my love."
"I want Lee Lew to be my daddy. He's awesome. OR I want mr norris 'cause he's the best" if only you knew baby, if only you knew. "That would be pretty cool huh?"

"Aww whos this little one?" The young Brit asks.
"George, this is Iziah. Zi, this is George."
"G-geor- mummy, I can't say it. It's vewy twicky."
"What about uncle g?"
"Like uncle Bono?"
"Yep, like uncle bono."
"If I didn't know you two, I'd say it was Landos kid. Little man here looks like him. I know he's not but still." She stops what she was doing and looks at him with slight panic.
"H-he does?" Of course he bloody does. She was hoping that if she tried ignoring it, she wouldn't have to face it but I guess it only goes so far.
"I'm only joking Dani. I know he's not." He lets out a small laugh that send a rush of relief through her body.

"Shit, shit, shit." She exclaims, trying to wipe the coffee off of her shirt. They were finishing up lunch in the cafeteria.
"Shit?" Iziah questions, discovering a new word. She tried not to swear around him so he wouldn't repeat her words but that isn't going great.
"Iziah Benton McCaully! We do not say those words okay?"
"Sowy mama. But you said it thwee times." He holds up three fingers on his tiny little hands and waves them in her face.
"Yes, but mama is an adult, and grown ups can say h th ose things. Promise to never say it again."
"I promise to never say shit again mama."
"Oops. Sorry." His lip trembles as she looks at him with her angry face on (one that she wasn't very good at when she was trying to hold back laughter)

"Hey guys. Everything okay? Looks like you missed your mouth there." She froze at the sound of his voice. She spoke to him almost every weekend but with Iziah here it was different. What if he realises?
" yeah." She laughs a little and rubs her shirt with tissue."who's this little man?"
"I'm big!!" He shouts as he crosses his arms again.
"Iziah! What have I told you about shouting inside. We use our big voices outside mr."
"Sorwy mama."
"It's okay. This is Iziah, my son"
"Your son? I never knew you had a son."
"Yep. For almost for years." She looks at her watch again.
"Shi- uhm could I maybe leave him with you. I've got a meeting that I'm already late for."
"Yeah yeah of course."
"Thanks Lando." She gives him Iziahs bag and rushes out of the cafeteria.

Should I really have left him there? No. Is he going to figure it out? No. Well... maybe. Shit. I'm going back. No!! You can't miss this meeting Daniella. Fuck!!

"Hey guys sorry I'm late. Excuse the mess." She points at the stain in her white shirt. "Iziah was feeling a but playful this afternoon."


Lando POV

"Hey big man. You ready to go? I'm going to show you my car now."
"The one that's better than lew lews?"
"Yeah. A lot better."
"Let's go!!" Lando picks him up and as they walk, zi zooms around a toy mclaren that Daniella got him for his last birthday.
"Zoom zooooom." He crashes it into Landos chest and he laughs.
"Let's hope that doesn't happen to me huh?"
"But you're the best!!"
"Yeah we'll sometimes even the best people can make mistakes. But that's okay, because as long as you learn from them you never make the same mistake twice." He tickles Iziahs side and he squirms as they walk into the garage.
"If I didn't know you Lando, I would've thought he was your son. You two look crazily alike."
"Really?" He studies Iziahs features and smirks. "Maybe, but he does look like his mum."
"It's not going to come out that you've had some sort of love scandal with the merc team principal right?" He fidgets a little bit as he puts Iziah down.
"Uhm no. Of course it won't." Shit man. No it can't be. He's only three and they hooked up almost five years ago. Shit. She said he was almost four. That means... no Lando. She would've told you. Wouldn't she?
"You alright mate?"
"Yeah of course. Just dreading the tv pen. Too boring."


"Hey baby." She says whilst tickling Iziahs cheek. "How was he?"
"He was great. He has a little sit in the car didn't you?" His face lights up and he begins talking on and on about the car. Before she knows it, Lando has walked them to her car whilst joining in on the conversation.
"I guess I should go now. I'll see ya tomorrow."
"Bye Lando. Thank you for having him."
"No problem. It was nice having someone around that acts like me." They laugh a bit before he heads back.

"Mama." Daniella looks in the mirror at her son who is placed in the back seat.
"Yeah baby."
"I like Lando. You should be friends with him forever." She can feel herself tearing up.
"I will be friends with Lando for as long as I can."

A/n what do you guys think so far? How is Baby Daddy going to react to this? How is Iziah going to react?


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