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6 weeks later

It was Christmas Day. Cisca, Flo, Dani and her mum were in the kitchen preparing the food whilst Lando took in the harder task of setting the table whilst looking after a five year old.

"Uh... Dani!" Landos voice echoed through and into the kitchen. As the four of them laughed at the joke Flo had just told.

"What's up, babe?" Dani shouted back, grinning. "Who is it?" Leaving the kitchen, she started walking towards the door.

"Leave. None of us want you here. How the fuck did you even find us?" He was talking quietly so they couldn't hear him but it only took his voice for her to know who it was.

"Lando. Go help your mum for a moment." She said to him, gesturing my head towards the others.

"Dani, I can't leave you here with him." He said the last bit quieter as she continued to smile 

"Go. I've got this." Turning all her attention towards Adam, she embraced him in a warm hug.  "I'm so sorry about him mr.Norris"

"Please. Call me Adam. It's a pleasure to meet you. I was hoping I could come in for dinner?"

"No I'm sorry. We're actually finishing off some little bits to take over to my best friends place for dinner. Sorry."

"I'm sure it's fine me coming in for a minute." He tried barging past her, bumping into her strong hand that was on the door frame before stopping and looking her up and down. "Excuse me." He raised an eyebrow and tried again.

"No, Adam. You're not coming." He took a step back, clenching his fist, flaring his nostrils and raising an eyebrow. "Merry Christmas." With that, she slammed to door in his face and continued to ignore the knocks that came after.

"He was going to hit you, Dani. He was going to fucking hit you."

"Babe. Look at me. I'm okay. Perfect in fact. He didn't touch me and he never will."

"How the fuck does he know where we are?"

"Lando, please baby. It's Christmas" she grabbed both of his hands and offered a soft smile in which he didn't return. Instead, a tear brimmed his eye. "let's forget he was every here and enjoy the day with our son. This is important for him."

"I need five minutes." He pulled himself away from Dani as he practically sprinted up the stairs, sobs being heard as a solid door slammed shut.

"Flo? Could you come out here for a minute. I've got a question." She hurried out of the kitchen, her face knowing of what just happened.

"What's up babe?" She asked a smile on her face in an attempt to smooth things over. Flo knew that Dani knew but only through Lando.

"Do I go up there? I think I should give him five minutes but I'm sure you're not feeling great either. You lived through it and I just want to know if you think I should go and talk or leave-"

"I didn't experience anything as bad as he did... he- he took the brunt of it. Him and mum." She began talking quieter. "Honestly, I'm not so sure but I know he'll need to talk about it. Leave him for a bit to go and see but, Dani... he's going to be sad and most importantly angry. Anything he says I promise you he doesn't mean."

"Mama." Zi said, grabbing her hand as it dangles aimlessly by her side. "Where's daddy gone?"

"He's just gone upstairs for a moment Zi. He'll be down soon."


Lando Norris

Every human being has different goals, different visions of what it truly means to be alive. And because of that, people judge you, hurt you, try to change you, but you must continue to move in your own direction, you must continue to go at your own pace, because if you allow for that to change you and your path — you're going to end up living someone else's life. Learn how to make your life your own. Learn how to make your time here something you are proud of.

You have to learn how to let go of the comparison you hold close to your chest, what you could've been, what you've been told to be and to do to make others happy. We often protect ourselves from seeming to eager or interested or hold our feelings back in fear of being seen as overly emotional or tender (because god forbid you begin to cry or beg for forgiveness). I've learned to let go of my fears and I've tried and tried to remind myself that there is nothing wrong with vulnerability, with being human, with unhinging your rib cage and sharing your heart with this world. 

When a child sees their father abuse their mother, they learn. Boys learn that controlling a woman is normal and expected. Girls learn that if someone abuses her, she has to just accept it as normal. When a woman doesn't leave it teaches her children that it doesn't matter what happens or how badly you are hurt, you must stay. When she leaves, she teaches her children not to control people... control is not love. She teaches them that you don't have to stay if you're being abused. Getting herself and her children out of the abuse is the best way a woman in this situation can show her children what love should look like.

I wasn't lucky enough to experience that latter — well at least not at the right time — and so I've never learned to love. All of my past girlfriends have told me I don't act as if I'm in a relationship, that I'm distant or that they're scared I've fallen for someone else. I wish they knew that I was trying to protect them in fear of getting too close because what if my dad wasn't lying when he told me he's doing it because he cares. What if I'll begin caring to much that I hurt them; Dani, mum, Flo and most importantly Iziah.

The tears began brimming my eyes as I avoided eye contact, focussing on the small chip in the vase that i have never noticed before.

"I need five minutes." I pulled away, my chest hurting for what felt like hours before the door had finally shut and I was falling down the wall. I clutched my chest letting out uncontrollable sobs.

I was scared. No. I was petrified. Terrified that he'd lay so much as a hair on her. I knew he was capable of it and so that was the only thing in my mind as I began picking the skin around my nails again, a habit I had grown into during my karting years.

Minutes, possibly even hours passed by until there was a soft knock on the door beside me. I quickly jumped up, knocking over a picture that was on the cabinet beside me. I picked up it up through the broken shards and looked at the photo, completely oblivious to the glass that sliced my hand. It was one from when I had won the WSK euro series. The trophy was nearly the same size as me as he stood behind the camera. One of the only times I think he was truly proud of me.

Tears began falling down my face as I jumped at the touch of two arms over my shoulders. I dropped the photo and held her hands as my eyes closed in familiarity of the warmth she provided.

"Oh my god Lando. Look at your hand." The blood must've coated her small hands as I held onto them. The next ten minutes when by in a blur and I hadn't said anything. "ndo... Lando... Hey! Lando!" I snapped back as she flicked my earlobe.

"Ouch." I said, bringing my hand up to my ear.

"So you can speak." I didn't say anything and so she held my good hand. "You don't need stitches. I'm gonna go back to the kitchen since your not saying anything anyway." I watched her stand up to leave but before she could step too far out of the bathroom I grabbed her hand and pulled her back into me.

"I'm sorry." I whispered into her ear, bringing my hands around her waist as I sobbed into her neck. My head began to hurt as I continued crying leaving my mouth dry.

"I'm okay... we're okay."


Yes I know. You guys are mad I've been gone for AGESSS but here's another one.

No promises that I'll be posting regularly but I'll try

Love you guys lots xx

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