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It was the same evening and after a long night of chatter and games, Max Fewtrell had finally gone back to his own room.

"Baby?" Lando called out. He began walking away from the front door and towards their bedroom for the weekend. He found her sat on the bed against the headboard with her knees tucked into her chest. "What's wrong?"

Her tears began forming in her eyes again as previous thoughts began to resurface. He climbed onto the bed and pulled her into his chest. "My mums gone. God knows how long for this time. She's drinking again. She was trolleyed when looking after Iziah last time." They sat in silence for a moment as the tears began falling, leaving a black puddle on his T-shirt. "I feel so stupid. I never should've trusted her again." She sat back and wiped her face. "I feel horrible. Like-like... I don't know. Like I've failed him. He must hate me for always leaving him with her. I'm his mum yet I feel like he's never here because- because" she paused whilst thinking about what to say. "Because I can't handle my own child. He fucking hates me and I don't know what to do about it."

"Hey, stop. What do you mean he hates you, Dani. He fucking adores you. You need to see the way he looks at you. He idolises you just as much as he idolises me and Lewis. Just as much as he loves karting with us all during the break. He loves you as much as, possibly even more than you love him and there's no denying it. I'm not sure what sort of shit that woman has put in your head but none of it is true okay?"

She continued looking down at her mascara-marked sleeves as she avoided his question. He put his fingers under her chin as he used his thumb to wipe her cheek clear in attempt for her to look at him. Still avoiding his gaze he spoke again. "Look at me." She complied. "He loves you so much so don't even think he doesn't. You do anything for him. You do what most mothers and fathers don't. You raise him instead of dragging him up whilst you grow. You're an amazing woman and an amazing mother. That's why I love you, Dani. Me, Iziah, you're entire team for gods sake. So yeah, maybe your mums gone but that doesn't mean you should leave him to. This is the part where you grow stronger and keep pushing, okay?"

"Okay." She mumbled.

"I can't here you." He teased, taking her hand in his.

"Okay." Leaving forward, she kissed him slowly, pulling away shortly after it started. "I love you, Lando Norris."

"That's why I'm your boyfriend." He grinned at her before giving her a peck and taking off his tear stained top, leaving him in just pyjama bottoms.

Her eyes ran over him, lingering on his chest and abdomen for a second longer than necessary. "Take a picture and it'll last longer." She grinned at his comment, one they'd used quite a bit over the course of their relationship.

"I don't need to. I'll be seeing it everyday for the rest of my life."

Now he was the one smiling.


Just a really short and quick one.

This was part of another one but it was almost 3,500 words so I split it a little. So stay tuned for an update in the next few days. It's going to be long and important so I guess I'll see you all then.

Only one more week to go until we hear the Dutch anthem again 😭

Anyway jokes over. Stay safe.


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