lets do this | 0.09

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Hey guys. Before we get started with this chapter, I just wanted to say how thankful i am for all of you. We're already at 1k reads :) I started writing this just for fun but I'm happy that some of you are actually enjoying it.

I don't really have a lot of time to proof read so please, if you find a mistake, let me know.

Anyway... don't forget to share opinions in the comments section. Happy reading :))


Daniella McCaully

2 months later

"Shut. Up. No way he actually said that." It's Singapore week. I only arrived this morning just before fp3 after having to go to some important sponsor meetings yesterday. As much as I hate to admit it, I forgave my mum, she is the only person here to support me and I don't know what I'd do if it wasn't for her. As for Lando... We haven't stopped arguing. One thing led to another and the only time I'd find myself talking to him was if I needed him to look after Zi.

As we suspected, the media went into a frenzy after finding out that we were all at the park together. We both put out separate statements, saying that me and Lando were friends years ago, and that when I joined f1 we continued to be great friends. Lando was said to be a huge role model to Iziah after he started Karting last month after his birthday.

Iziah didn't come to the track very often. He'd usually stay with my mum who began coming to more races, often staying at the hotel or staying in the Mercedes' motor home.

Zi being seen often could start causing problems. He's been adamant about seeing Lando this weekend, throwing a massive strop after being told that he's going to have to wait. He'd start shouting 'dada' at anyone that looked even remotely like Lando which caused some questionable stares.

"Yeah. His attitude is getting on everyone's nerves. Since Charlotte left he's been a massive nuisance. If you knew him personally, you'd may be able to put it down to his personality but I even heard Carlos saying how he was being a bitch." I made a new friend over at the McLaren garage. She works with the media and marketing team and we have grown quite close over the last few weeks after meeting up a few times over the break.

"Honestly, he's just a dick. If George or Lewis was to behave like that pftttt... he just needs to get a grip. He's a baby in an adults body."

"To be fair, he was genuinely nice to be around. It only started a few months ago. He came back from the summer break and was like "nope. I'm gonna be a grouchy bitch all the time. Fuck you all." If he wasn't leading the championship right now he'd be gone by next year." Oh please tell him he's got no seat next year.

"You guys better watch out next year. Mercedes are coming for you." I heard a scoff on the other end of the line.

"Yeah. You wish. Looks like Lewis won't be beating Schumachers record. Gonna be stuck at seven forever."

We spent another 20 minutes gossiping about things at the track until I had to leave to prepare for practise.


"Iziah has been asking to see you all weekend." We were walking through the paddock with Lewis and Seb until there was an awkward silence when Seb and Lewis were having a separate conversation.

"Okay." I rolled my eyes a sighed.

"Can you look after him tonight please.?" I didn't mean it, but it didn't really sound like a question.

"Do I have a choice?" He asked raising an eyebrow and smiling as cameras were pointing at us.

"Well are you doing anything tonight?" Now I was the one raising my eyebrow as I looked at him questioningly. He shook his head and I continued. "Then you're looking after him tonight. I'll drop him off to you at like half six."

"Yep. Okay." There was another awkward silence.


"Listen" we began at this same time. I gestured for him to go first but he refused, saying how I'd began first. "He keeps asking why he doesn't see you around anymore. Honestly, I don't know what to tell him. This whole thing started as a simple little comment." Rolling his eyes and looking away he gave a small laugh, it wasn't one of laughter, instead one fuelled from anger.

"Tell him... tell him his mum is an arrogant a-hole who doesn't know how to mind her business. That might work. See ya." He walked off and went into the McLaren garage, leaving me stood next to Lewis as a flash of pure anger covered my senses. "Ugh I hate that prick." I mumbled under my breath. Lewis looked over and smirked.

"Yeah. We all do." I looked at him surprised that he heard me as he continued his goodbyes to Seb as we came across the Aston Martin garage.

"How did you know what I said. Over all this noise that's... that's like impossible." He laughed a bit and put his head back.

"I didn't know what you said. I assumed you were thinking the same thing as I caught a bit of the last thing he said. Then, I assumed he was talking about you and when I saw how angry you were, It was obvious." Shaking my head, we walked into our garage and Lewis started preparing for quali. The Mercedes' have been top of almost every practise, only getting 0.072 seconds behind Norris in p2. It was looking promising this weekend so everything was done to ensure that they were the best on the grid.


"Wooooo. Yes guys." The garage erupted in applause as the Mercedes crew got a 1,2 start on the grid tomorrow.

"And the headset lasts another day." Jamie Chadwick says as she comes to a stop beside me. She was our reserve driver and after George's food posing last month, ended up finishing seventh in the race after only taking part in fp3 and quali.

"Hey jay. You alright?" I say as I take her in a hug.

"Yeah I'm good. I know you're quite busy right now, but would I be able to talk to you somewhere a little more... idk private?"

"Yeah of course. Come with me." After placing my headset on the desk, I walk her into my office where we sit down. "Everything okay?"

"Uhm yeah. So I've been contacted by mclaren... they want me to come in and talk to them about a possible seat next to Lando next year." She gave a small smile and was trying to hide her happiness.

"I'm so happy for you Jay. I'm guessing you've come to me so we can set up a meeting?" She nods her head. "Of course. I'll drop Zak an email now to see when we can do it."


"Iziah! Please just walk."
"I want daddy!!" He screamed at me across the lobby. I chased him across the lobby, dropping his bag by the seats we were sat on.

"Please zi. I promise you you can see him soon. You just need to listen to mama okay?" I finally caught up to him and picked him up much to his disgust. He began flailing his arms around and kicking my stomach causing me to almost drop him. "ENOUGH IZIAH!"

I wasn't one to shout often. Not like this at least. It made me feel horrible so I choose not to.

"Daniella?" A soft voice said from behind me.

"Oh thank god" I exclaimed in a desperate sigh of relief.

"Dada!" He practically jumped out of my arms and into Landos as a grin appeared on both their faces.

"Hey. How are you buddy?"

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