Book 2: Chapter 11: Mako in Prison

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It had been a week since Iroh left Republic City. Korra had disappeared and Mako was thrown into jail. Audrey would be lying to say she didn't feel a little bit guilty for it. She didn't end up attending Mako's 'bait ship operation', she just couldn't bring herself to do it. The woman sat on her couch watching the phone ring time after time as he desperately tried to contact her. She knew she'd regret it later, but the seriousness of the matter just hadn't reached her.

The Bloodbending incident turned in her favour. There was no hard evidence to prove that Audrey had done it and so the woman accusing was deemed to be dramatic and trying to bring Audrey down with her. The Chief had told her that she wouldn't need to worry about it again, but the truth she knew remained, eating away inside her.

"Good morning." Audrey smiled, walking to her desk and grabbing a file that sat on a tall tower amongst others. Lila looked up from the other side of the room, having arrived earlier for some interrogation.

"Morning" She responded standing up and walking to Audrey's table, " any plans for today?" She asked, leaning against the table which caused the tall tower of files to sway dangerously.

"Going to visit Mako." Audrey shrugged, turning her head to the empty seat next to her. "Oh," Lila frowned, disappointed in her friend's plans. When she heard that General Iroh had personally visited Audrey she tried extremely hard to get Audrey together with him. Although Audrey claimed to have no romantic interest in him, she persisted.

Audrey had told Lila the truth- at least part of it.

Two days after the elevator incident she made up to her with a coffee and a speech of an apology. She told Lila that she was just stressed, she was accused of bloodbending on her first arrest. Of course, she failed to mention that the accusation was true and rather laughed along with Lila at the absurdity of the idea. The two friends were back together again, their friendship rekindled, and the world seemed to be back to normal- at least for Lila...

~ • ~

Lunch came around and Audrey left to go visit Mako. The cell was guarded by a guard, who Audrey recognized to be Song.

He whistled, "You got a visitor Maki! And she's pretty too!"

"Asami?" Mako asked hopefully as Audrey walked into the cell.

"No." Audrey snapped, rolling her eyes and folding her arms.

"Audrey." Mako stated unimpressed, "Look who came."

"Mako. Why are you a prisoner." Audrey raised her eyebrows. Her patience wore thin after seeing his underwhelming reaction.

"You know, for a moment, you look like Chief Beifong." Mako sneered, "Get out! I don't want to talk to a traitor."

Audrey felt her blood boil, as her fury began to build.

"Have you ever considered that you're not the only one with a life!" She yelled.

"Yeah, well at least I'm not a traitor!" Mako shot back.

" I never committed!" Audrey retorted.

"What about my calls?" Mako asked.

"Never heard them." Audrey lied.

"OK so you're deaf AND you are a terrible person! Consider our friendship over!"

Mako yelled. His fists clenched on either side of him.

Audrey glared at him. "We were never friends in the first place." She spat, turning to leave.

"Careful Beifong, for a moment I could believe that you did bloodbend," Mako warned as Audrey opened the cell door. She stopped. Turned her head to Song and asked for some privacy. Once the guard had left, she turned back to Mako. "What did you say?" She questioned softly.

"You heard me." Mako shrugged, "Miss Beifong might have actually bloodbent."

"Why would I be Beifong?" She asked, playing dumb in the matter.

Mako smiled, " interesting what a bit of eavesdropping could do."

"What?" The only people that knew were her grandparents, Pema and...Tenzin.

"You eavesdropped on the Councilman!" Audrey gasped, in that moment she felt she could blood bend. Right there. Right now. She could feel Mako's blood flowing through his body right there, but she resorted to doing something else.

She roundhouse kicked a stream of water onto the side of his smirking face. Mako's head was pushed toward the floor, the sound of his body hitting the ground causing a sickening echo to bounce off the cell walls. Mako lay on the ground unconscious. Audrey left the cell, advising for Song to get Mako checked for a concussion.

"Don't worry miss, Maki will get checked, we'll take him to the hospital when we change shifts," Song said, delighted to be asked for something from a higher officer.

In all honesty, Audrey felt that she could've easily dealt with the situation better: maybe refraining from the yelling and definitely not concussing her friend. No. Mako was not her friend, he never was- that is according to her-. 

~ • ~

She walked out of the lift onto her floor. The place was bustling with activity as the Chief wanted to make sure that everything was organized for the mover premiere later that evening. Audrey plastered a smile on her face and skipped to Lila, who was leaning over a few files on her desk.

"Audrey, you're smart. What do you think this means?" She pointed at the file open in front of her. The ink-haired woman sighed, "Lila- I do quality control."

"I know!" Lila sighed, " do you think I could get access to the street cameras?"

"Street cameras?" Audrey asked, the colour draining from her face.

"Yeah, that people on the floor below us." Lila shrugged.

Audrey had to force herself to breathe. there were street cameras.

Someone could use that as evidence.

Just then Chief Beifong walked in,

"Officers, I need you all in my office now. The rest of you... remain on standby."

Lila was one of the many officers asked to accompany Chief Beifong to the movie premiere happening that evening. Audrey, who had a massive pile of paperwork, insisted that she stay behind and stay at the offices in case backup was needed.

About an hour later, Audrey took the elevator to the floor below her, The Camera Room was situated on the far end of the floor, directly below the Chief's office on the floor above. The floor was quiet, only a few men were there, sitting behind computers. Audrey walked toward the room, her tog bag slung lazily on her shoulder, she took a sudden turn into the bathroom. No one had noticed her.

Once in the bathroom she took off her uniform and replaced it with a black jumpsuit that had straps instead of sleeves. She traced over her father's eighteenth birthday gift: an earth symbol tattoo on both biceps. She threw on a long-sleeved jacket that covered up her arms and finished the look with a mask over her mouth and nose. She left the bag in a cupboard under the sink and bent the lock so that it couldn't be opened with a key. She then strolled out of the bathroom and unsurprisingly stared at by all in the room.

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