Book 1:Chapter 1: Serenity

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"Naga! You should have seen it- oh hi Audrey!"

Audrey stood up from her place next to Naga and bowed.

"Avatar Korra. I'm glad to see that you're not injured."

She glanced outside where she could see a firebending trainer being helped off the rooftop. " although I cannot say the same for him."

She gestured towards the man slowly sliding off the grey roof off the building the White Lotus and her grandmother stood.

"Yeah..." Korra smiled awkwardly, scratching the back of her neck, "I'll have to apologise later -anyways, Naga and Audrey, I'm going to start my training with Tenzin!" She exclaimed flinging her arms in the air.

"That's brilliant Avatar Korra." Audrey responded calmly, "I'm sure you'll master airbending like you've mastered all the other elements." She smiled sweetly.

"Tenzin will be here in a few days." Korra smiled running back out.

Naga sniffed Audrey's hair, she  laughed, " I guess no injuries for me to treat today." She turned her head to look outside, just in time to see the firebender plummeting into the snow with a shriek- " or maybe there is" She sighed walking outside.


"I have a responsibility to Republic City, I'm one of its leaders, its very unstable at the momemt." Tenzin said.

'Sounds familiar', Audrey thought, picking at her Rice on the other end of the table. Tenzin had arrived that afternoon with Pema and their kids, but all excitement was stopped when he'd announced that he was not moving to the South Pole. Audrey was disappointed, all of the hopes she had of seeing her father more often had melted away.

"But you also have a responsibility to teach me." Korra protested. She was not understanding the situation.

Audrey cleared her throat, "Excuse me." She smiled politely, she'd had enough of the politics, "I'll be leaving now." She got up quietly and left the room after bowing to the Avatar, Tenzin and the White Lotus official.

She decided to go for a walk. Although the south pole wasn't very Scenic, the calmness and  vastness always brought her serenity. She found a ledge looking over another piece of snowed land. She put her hand to the ground, feeling the thickness of the rock below her.
When she'd finally deemed it safe she sat down, crossed legged, and closed her eyes.

"Um...hello." a small, shy voice interrupted. Audrey inwardly jumped, but kept her calm demeanor. She turned to see a child wearing air nomad clothing.

"Um- I'm Jinora." She bowed, "I'm sorry to interrupt, my siblings- I- it's very quiet here..." She trailed off in the end. Jinora was intimidated, she'd never been around someone older than her that was so close to her age.

Audrey smiled softly, this would be her half sister. She stood up and bowed. "Pleasure to meet you Jinora. I'm Audrey, but please, call me Addie." She knew Tenzin would be pleased to hear Jinora call her by the nickname he gave her. Jinora, on the other hand  was shocked. She'd never expected to be bowed to, let alone asked to refer to this stranger by her nickname, rather, Ma'am or Miss.

"So why are you out here at a time like this?" Jinora asked intrigued by the character she had just come across.

"I enjoy meditating, and clearing my mind. I've been told that a free-flowing spirit, helps a bender reach their maximum capabilities." Audrey replied, turning back around and sitting cross legged again, this time, shifting to the right. She gestured to the left, "You can join me if you'd like?"

For the rest of the evening, Jinora remained with Audrey, learning about waterbending culture firsthand. The two bonded quickly, having many common interests like the historical art of bending and traditions amongst a long list of other things.


Audrey stood next to her grandmother when seeing her father off the next morning.
"Goodbye Gran-gran!" Ikki waved, and then immediately frowned, "Daddy..." She looked at the back of her dad's head from the bison saddle. "who was the lady standing next to Gran-gran?" Pema's eyes widened and looked towards Tenzin. He sighed, "That..." he paused, " is a waterbending master, almost like your Gran-gran."

Pema smiled, the idea of Tenzin calling his daughter a waterbending master brought some sort of joy and pride in her heart. She looked down towards the two waterbenders on the ground slowly becoming smaller as they flew away. "Whoa!" Jinora whispered watching her new-found friend.

"A waterbending master."


The rest of the day consisted of the normal chores, feeding the penguins and cleaning the tent. After lunch, Audrey visited her grandmother in the healing tent like usual, and assisted a few of the ill. "Master Katara." An old man called to the healer in a shaky, gruff voice. Audrey turned to see her grandmother busy with another person and quickly went the old man's aid. She bowed to the man. "Good afternoon Sir. How can I help you?" He looked at her, a sudden recognition brushed his face.

"Lin." He said.

"My apologies sir, I'm Audrey." She responded confused.

"No. Lin." He persisted. By that time Katara had come to see him.

"Lau Gan-Lan." She smiled, "this is my granddaughter.
Audrey, you may attend to the lady over there." She pointed to a lady walking in. Audrey walked away glancing at the man who looked very confused.


The next morning Audrey heard a knock on her door. "Come in." She said looking up from the scrolls in front of her. Katara walked in.

"Korra left last night. She's gone to Republic City." She calmly said. "I think that you've mastered the art of waterbending and that you should improve your earthbending."

Audrey gasped, "I- what?" She was baffled.

"The ship to Republic City will leave in a few weeks, and from there, you will take the train to Zaofu." She smiled. "You have time- use it wisely."


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