Book 2: Chapter 12: Camera Room

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For a moment, the world froze. Every set of eyes were pinned onto the girl in a black jumpsuit.  Audrey felt fearful for a moment the realization of the deed she planned to do shook her.

What had she become?

"Apologies for crashing the party. I can assure you, I won't be long." She smiled, but soon stopped when she realised that no one would see it under her mask.

The people in the room began to stand one by one, as she came closer and closer. "So much for confidence." She muttered, beginning to count to five.

Three men and two females. She kept walking until suddenly a wire was shot towards her. She dodged, the metal narrowly missing her head. She grabbed a stapler and bent all the staples into one thin line. Another wire came her way, this one directed at her stomach. She used her new-found weapon to deflect the metal and kicked a chair towards the man who attacked her. A woman jumped on her, taking her down and grabbing for her face. Audrey used her feet to kick the woman off her and stood up, finally having enough.

Her time was running out.

Two men ran towards her, she dodged and chi blocked their sides. They yelped in pain as she knocked them out with her heel on the side of their heads.The man who she threw a chair at lunged towards her. He bent a metal wire around her neck. She responded by bending a metal chair frame into the side of his head.
She turned to the last woman.
A short, older woman who looked at her terrified.She reminded her of Gran-gran with her wrinkled eyes and frail figure.

Audrey bent a wire and pushed her against the wall. She grabbed the metal like fabric and trapped the lady onto it, unable to bring herself to knock her out. Instead, she took a metal strip that was still around her neck and bent it over the lady's eyes Audrey made her way to the room. She pleasantly found it unlocked, but was surprised to find two men. They froze when they saw her.

"Oh for goodness sake." She muttered, as she casually knocked them both out, she closed the door behind her and got busy with the computer in front of her.
Within the next ten minutes she found the footage from a street camera, she erased it and moved onto the more recent footage, of her entering and exiting the bathroom, as well as her knocking out all of those people.

She eventually left the room, bending the camera room door shut with a flick of her wrist. She looked around, she needed a decoy. If anyone came in here they would see the commotion and have witnesses accounting for a break-in. But she needed to make sure that they weren't aware of the removed footage. A sudden thought dawned on her. They were going to look at the cameras anyway, they would notice the missing footage.

She turned back to the Camera Room.

"Stop right there."

She turned her head to see a female officer. She didn't stop, she needed to destroy the camera room.The woman made a run towards her, attempting to tackle Audrey and bring them both down. Audrey stood her ground and sidestepped in the last moment. The woman slipped and skidded across the floor. Audrey made a run for the camera room. She heard a metal wire fly toward her she ducked, but it was never aimed at her head. She hit the ground hard as her feet gave in, the metal tightening around her ankles. The woman approached her.

Audrey struggled in her grasp but couldn't break free as more metal wrapped around her body, moving up her abdomen. The woman's grip on the metal was too strong. The woman reached her hand out to pull down Audrey's mask, but stopped, her hand was trembling and her eyes began to twitch. Soon her body began to shake uncontrollably and eventually she was on the ground.

Audrey scrambled to her feet, and destroyed the Camera Room computers, she bent water into the machine causing the computers to short circuit. She ran out, grabbing her bag and passing the lady. There was something strange about her face. It looked peaceful, and paler. Almost ghost-like. The men from the street had not looked like this after she had bloodbended them. She turned, the sudden thought of the woman waking up scaring her, and left the room.

A few hours later Audrey was behind her desk, paging through files and adding notes next to almost every section, the officers were beginning to slack in their work as the year was coming to an end.

She had worked her way through about a dozen files when her radio began to beep. She picked it up, "Audrey responding." "Audrey!" Came the frantic yell of Lila, "The President has been attacked!" "On my way." Audrey responded clipping the radio onto her waist and running out the building.

She reached the arena just in time to see Bolin get thrown aside by a waterbender. She turned to her Chief, but she was preoccupied. Lila was nowhere to be seen.Bolin was in the middle of the Arena, bending two stacks of discs, she watched the dust rise around him, causing the attacjer to splutter and cough.She shot two wires towards the edge of the Arena and slingshotted herself toward Bolin.

"Audrey!" He yelled, somewhat excitedly, "did you just bend metal?"

She dodged and attack and shot another disk.
"Distract them," she gestured to the waterbenders, "I'll rope them"
A blast of water shoots towards her head, she dodged and shot a wire toward the waterbender's feet.
Before he knew it, he had his hands and feet incapsulated in orbs of rock, the man was pulled down. She did a similar setup for the next waterbender, before Bolin finally took down the last one.Bolin bended a disk and held the waterbender by the collar,

"Who sent you? He asked, furious. The waterbender responded, terrified and begging not to be hurt.

Audrey turned around and made eye contact with the Chief in the stands. She picked up her radio and watched the Chief copy her actions.She pushed the button to speak.


Just then, Varrick tried to escape, multiple officers appeared behind the chief and arrested the man.Behind her, she saw Bolin shoot a disc in the stomach of a waterbender, sending him flying over the edge.

"That's a knockout!" The commentator yelled. The Audience begins to applaud, Audrey turned around to see that everyone was cheering for Bolin. She smiled, and clapped her hands. She then made her way to the lift and went back to Lila. "It's always the Arena, isn't it." She muttered. Audrey looked up, confused, "what?"
"The equalists attacked in the arena too." Lila shrugged

"Really?" Audrey asked. "Wow.”


Later that evening Audrey found herself back in her apartment, a small pile of files sat on the coffeetable next to a freezing cold cup of tea. The woman sat on her bed staring out the window overlooking the streets below. Behind her emerald eyes was a war of thoughts and swirls of emotions. The bloodbending, the camera room, the old lady… but above it all was the pale face of the female officer. Why did it seem so familiar?

She shook her self off and walked to the counter. The files wouldn't check themselves after all. Her eyes furrowed at the sight of her cold tea, but she soon moved onto the work in front of her. About an hour later, Audrey was in bed. The blanket was brought up to her neck, a sudden coldness overcoming her. Her thoughts never ceased to spin, causing her to feel as if her head was underwater.

Something was wrong…

Eventually, after much attempt, she felt herself slowly nodding off to sleep, her mind still busy, but dulled after an eventful day. Her mind drifted back to her time in the South.

Gran-gran would make sure to emphasize any opportunity to teach her all she knew. It was until one day that she didn't. A man, most probably in his late sixties was brought in with a piece of metal embedded in his chest. He was wheezing, his throat looked misaligned and whenever he breathed only half his chest would rise up. Gran-gran had been the first on the scene, but also chased her eight year old granddaughter out of the tent.

Later on, Audrey found her way back into the tent, a bed was covered in a white sheet.
Curious, she moved towards the bed and lifted the sheet at the head of the bed. Underneath was the man from earlier, his chest didn't move anymore and he didn't wheeze every few seconds, instead, his face was peaceful, his eyes closed and his face pale…unnaturally pale.

Audrey shot up from bed. Her eyes darting from side to side. She was drenched in sweat.

“No.” She mumbled, the tears began to form. How was this possible? This didn't happen to the men. Was it the desperation to escape? The fear of being caught by a colleague? What changed? “What did I do?” She thought, a ball beginning to sit in her throat.

A sob left her lips

“I killed her.”

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