Book 1: Chapter 5: Restoration

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"You sure about not coming?" Iroh asked, with a hint of concern I'm his eyes.

"I told you, I don't know enough about the city." Audrey huffed.

"Believe me, any team will be extremely grateful if they had a master waterbender." He smirked and bent his face next to her ear
"And an earthbender." He whispered.

"I'm not ready to earthbend yet." Audrey responded quickly, " I was supposed to take a train to Zaofu when I got here, instead I was ambushed." She turned away from him, crossing her arms.

"The choice is yours." Iroh replied sadly. "I'll respect either one. He touched her shoulder and walked passed her, out of the room with the giant map on the table. Audrey was left alone. Confused at the general's strange actions.


About half an hour later, Bolin, Asami and Iroh left on Naga, Korra and Mako left in equalist uniform.

"Aren't you coming?" Bolin asked
Looking at Audrey with a frown.

"I don't think I should. " Audrey muttered. " I don't know enough about the city." She sighed.

"We'll see you back here later then." Iroh responded. She smiled at him and watched all of them leave.


"Audrey!" She turned quickly to see the grey-haired man running towards her. "There's a rally!" He panted. "At the arena."

" I know." Audrey responded confused. She'd seen the posters.

"They have master Tenzin! And his kids." He yelled. Very distressed.

"Where's the arena!" Audrey shouted, jumping up from her seat, dropping the bowl of Street grub on the floor.

"Big round building!" The man responded. Still trying to catch his breath,

"You can't miss it."

Audrey ran out, bending the water to propell her up.
She sprinted towards the inside of the city.
'How did Aman get them?'She thought to herself, slicing crates and barrels with water.
"They got away...didn't they?" She whispered. Seeing the Arena come up ahead of her.


Audrey ran into the building.
She heard Korra screaming, and fire burning.
The woman barged into a room and saw the man from all the posters bloodbending Mako and Korra. She gasped.

Aman's a waterbender.

"You don't have three hands!" She yelled and shot a blade of ice towards Aman, which he quickly dodged.
"You can't bloodbend me too!" She  shot another one at him.

Within seconds Mako and Korra collapsed.
Audrey's eyes widened.  "What did you do?" She whispered. Had he killed them both? How did their plan fail so miserably?

Aman shoved them to the corner and turned to Audrey, "the master finally arrives. " He mused "what a shame it will be when you're left without bending." He snarled.

Audrey took a stance and bended the water in the air. " I thought you were fighting for equality? And here you are bending. " She shot more ice towards him.

He dodged the ice again. She realised he was bending the ice away. "everyone thinks you're a master." He said bored, " but you can't even bloodbend" he said dodging another piece of ice. He was slowly moving towards her with every dodge. "Now you can prove to me that you really are the master." He took another step closer.

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